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Last updated: 24 Mar 2025

Russia Business Directory & List of Companies

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The Russian Federation is a state in Eurasia, bordered by Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mongolia, North Korea.
Russia on Map
Russia on Map - see more from Google map
Area - 17,151,442 sq. km.

Population - 146,100,000 (as of August 1, 2014).

The national composition of Russia is very diverse. Russians make up 81.53% of the entire population, Tatars - 3.76%, Ukrainians - 2.97%, Chuvash - 1.21%, Bashkirs - 0.92%, Belarussians - 0.82%, Mordovians - 0.73%, Chechens - 0.61%, Germans - 0.57%, etc.

The official (state) language throughout the Russian Federation is Russian. Russia is a multilingual country, its population speaks almost 150 languages. All peoples of the Russian Federation are guaranteed the right to preserve their native language.

Capital city: Moscow (12 678 079)

Five largest cities: St. Petersburg (5 398 064), Novosibirsk (1 625 631), Yekaterinburg (1 493 749), Kazan (1 257 391), Nizhny Novgorod (1 252 236) (as of 01.01.2020)

Economy. The Russia's GDP is 1.658 trillion USD (2018), 6th position in the world. In terms of GDP in PPP per capita, Russia ranked 50th in 2019.

GDP per capita. GNI per capita based on PPP in Russia is 11,326 USD and ranks 64th in the world.

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Russia is ranked 28th. Local currency is Russian ruble (RUB).

The average monthly salary in 2020 was 35,361 rubles per month (about 490 USD).

The main sectors of the economy are oil and gas, mining, processing of precious stones and metals, aircraft construction, rocket and space production, nuclear industry, production of weapons and military equipment, electrical engineering, pulp and paper.


Russia exports mainly raw hydrocarbons (at the end of 2019, Russian oil exports amounted to 267.5 million tons). In total, the share of fuel and energy products in the Russian exports accounted for 46.3% versus 45% in 2018), the rest represented by metallurgical and chemical products, machinery and equipment, weapons, food (wheat). In 2018, the volume of agricultural exports from Russia amounted to 25.9 billion USD (an increase by almost 20% against 2017).


Russia's imports in January-December 2019 amounted to 247.4 billion USD and compared to January-December 2018 it increased by 2.7%. Non-CIS countries accounted for 88.9%, with 11.1% for CIS countries. In the commodity structure of imports, the largest share was represented by the machinery and equipment (46.2%).

5 largest companies in Russia

  1. Gazprom (oil and gas) revenue 8.224 billion rubles, profit 1.456 billion rubles
  2. Lukoil (oil and gas) revenue 7.479 billion rubles, profit 619 billion rubles
  3. Rosneft (oil and gas) revenue 6.850 billion rubles, profit 549 billion rubles
  4. Sberbank (finance) revenue 3160 billion rubles, profit 833 billion rubles
  5. "Russian Railways" (transport) revenue 2.413 billion rubles, profit 35 billion rubles

5 largest banks

  1. Sberbank ranks first in terms of profit in 2019 833 billion rubles
  2. VTB Bank ranks second in terms of profit with an indicator of 167.1 billion rubles
  3. Alfa-Bank million in net profit is 1.8 times lower than in 2018
  4. Bank GPB - Gazprombank's net profit for 2019 in accordance with international financial reporting standards amounted to 44.6 billion rubles, an increase of 12.9% compared to 2018.
  5. Trust Bank or the Bank of Non-Core Assets (created on the basis of Bank Trust), which earned 56 billion rubles of net profit in 2019, became one of the leaders among Russian banks in terms of net profit at the end of 2019.

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AgricultureFeed Manufacturing (2)ArtDesign (1)~Performing Arts (1)~Visual Arts (2)Business ServicesAdvertising and Marketing (1)~Business Process Management and Modeling (1)CateringCafes (3)~Clean Water (1)~Drinks (4)~Food (6)~Food Delivery (4)~Restaurants (3)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (3)~Building Construction (4)~Construction of Infrastructure (2)~Costruction Materials (10)EducationColleges and Universities (3)~Preschooling (1)~Professional (3)~Schooling (1)Energy UseGas and Steam (2)~Heating (2)EntertainmentCollecting (1)~Events and Activities (6)~Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (1)~Internet (1)~Libraries (1)~Museums (1)~Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke (1)~Shopping (1)~TV and Cinema (1)~Toys (2)EnvironmentGreen Energy (1)~Waste Disposal (1)FamilyChildren and Youth (1)~Festivities and Holidays (1)Finance and InsuranceBanks (1)~Blockchain and Crypto (2)~E-commerce (1)~Financial Services (9)~Insurance (5)~Reinsurance (1)Government and Non-profitAuthorities, Executive, Representative, Judicial, Mass Media (2)~Bodies, Ministries, Agencies (2)~Economy (1)~Education (3)~Law Enforcement (1)~Legal Regulations, Licensing, Patents (2)~Policy-Making, Think Tanks, Analytical (2)~Scientific (3)Handmade, Home-MadeClothing, Footwear, Skullcaps (1)Health and CareAlternative Medicine (1)~Beauty Shops and Parlors (1)~Body Practices (1)~Clinics and Hospitals (7)~Cosmetic (1)~Dental Clinics (1)~Fragrances and Perfumes (1)~Medical Devices and Accessories (1)~Nursing (1)~Pharmaceutical Industry (2)~Pharmacies (1)~Public Health (2)~Spa and Wellness (1)~Veterinary (4)HomeFurniture (4)~Home Appliances (1)~Home Improvement (1)~Home Supplies (1)~Interior Design (4)~Pets (1)Industrial Goods and Services3D Printing (1)~Beverages (1)~Chemicals (7)~Clothing and Footwear (3)~Computers and Mobiles (1)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (2)~Electronic and Optical Products (1)~Fabricated Products and Components (5)~Food Products (1)~Furniture (1)~Machinery and Equipment (12)~Measuring and Testing Devices (3)~Metallurgical Industry (7)~Other Finished Products (3)~Packaging Materials (1)~Printing and Copying (2)~Repairs, Servicing and Installation (4)~Rubber and Plastic Products (2)~Trailers and Semi-trailers (1)~Transport Vehicles (4)~Wood Products (1)MiningCoal, Oil, Gas (4)~Mining of Metal Ores (1)Mass MediaNews Agencies (2)~Newspapers, Journals, Magazines (1)~TV, Radio, Online Media (1)Professional ServicesAccounting (3)~Advertising (6)~Architectural and Engineering Design (1)~Business Management and Consulting (7)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (4)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (6)~Legal Consulting (5)~Maintenance and Improvement (3)~Marketing (3)~Medical Consulting (1)~Repairing (6)~Research and Development (1)~Security and Investigation (1)~Testing (2)~Tuning and Customization (1)~Web Design and Development (7)~Writing, Blogging, Editing (1)Real EstateDevelopment (1)~Property Management (1)~Real Estate Agents (3)~Rent and Leasing (2)Science and TechnologyInstitutes, Laboratories (3)Sports and RecreationArt (1)~Olympics, World Cups, Championships (1)~Sports (3)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (1)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (4)~Games, Development, Gaming (1)~IT Hardware (3)~Internet (4)~Programming (3)~Publishing and Printing (1)~Software Development (6)~Videos, Radio and TV Broadcasts (3)TradeE-commerce (4)~International (2)~Retail Trade (7)~Wholesale Trade (7)Transport and StorageAuto (10)~Location and Tracking (1)~Waterborne (1)TravelAccommodation (5)~Transportation (3)~Travel Agents (2)

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