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Guest Posting & Blogging: an open list of websites that accept guest posts

We are incessantly checking and adding to our list new high quality websites and blogs where guest posts can be added for free or pay. With this list, you can easily find publishers for your post or article. Indicate the parameters to do the search and enjoy!
Free / Paid
Dofollow / Nofollow
Is Aggr?
5.34 F+P DF N 10 54 0
3.29 P DF Y 10 0 0
Medium 3.74 P NF N 5 95 4
ScanDigital 3.72 F NF N 0 93 2
BuySellGuestPost 5.21 P DF Y 5 0 0
Scribd 7.50 F+P DF N 0 95 2
PrNews.io 3.33 P DF Y 9 0 0
Home.Blog 8.50 F DF N 0 84 0
Accessily 3.29 P DF Y 10 0 0
Strikingly 9.16 F DF N 0 92 0
|< 01 02 03 04 05 06 >|
Add your guest-post accepting website / blog

Who can add guest-posting websites/blogs

Any registered user can add his/her website or blog. The addition is 100% free-of-charge. The listing is checked by moderators so we request that the information provided is accurate and trustworthy.

Sorting modes for guest post accepting websites

Free or Paid
Generally, the are two major types of websites accepting guest-posts: Free or Paid. The third type that we included in this table is for Free AND Paid guest posting - there may be situations when both options are available on certain websites.

Dofollow or Nofollow Links
The second sorting mode will show two categories of websites: providing dofollow and/or nofollow links in the published guest posts. It is a generally shared point of view in the SEO community that dofollow links are more valuable as they transfer the authority from the donor website. Nofollow links seem to be of some value too as it is recommended that a natural link profile must have a certain portion of dofollow and nofollow links.

Guest Post Aggregators
There is a special type listed in the above table - Guest Post Aggregators or Guest Post Exchanges. Those are websites that serve as a platform to connect writers with publishers and to make their interaction easy and safe.

Usually, they offer a roster of websites/blogs that accept guest posts, a ranking mechanism and financial protection for both sides of the deal: the publisher or seller wants to be sure that s/he will be paid for the work; the writer or buyer needs to know that the guest post will be properly published and formatted.

Domain Authority and Spam Score
To use the website list, guest posting authors need to know how valuable is the accepting (donor) website. Nobody wants to waste effort, time and money to get a link from a spammy resource. After the death of Google Pagerank, the SEO community uses several tools to measure the importance of a website. We use the MOZ Domain Authority as the measure of quality (from worst 0 to the best 100), and MOZ Spam Score (from worst 100 to the best 0) as the measure of how spammy the website is.
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