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Testimonials and Reviews of Products and Services

Manage Reviews

For each type of product or service on Bizpages, consumers can leave their testimonial, feedback or review. Customer feedback is a valuable source of marketing information for a supplier or manufacturer of goods/services, which helps find out consumer preferences, improve quality, and be more competitive.

In addition, consumer reviews management is an effective marketing strategy in itself, since a modern consumer, as a rule, tries to find reviews about a product or service, or about the manufacturer/supplier on the Internet before buying. The presence of a large number of positive and reliable reviews plays a significant role in making the decision to buy a product or service.

Credibility of Reviews

All product/service reviews on Bizpages are assigned a credibility rating. The more truthful, detailed, and credible a review is, the higher it ranks for the specific product/service - regardless of whether the review is positive or negative.

Video testimonials

Video reviews are considered as the most reliable ones. Videos filmed with a phone camera, showing the person making the review, as well as important details of the product or service itself, are much more credible than just an anonymous text review.
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