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Russia Starts COVID Vaccination In Moscow

10 Jul 2022

Unofficial translation from Ria.Ru

A medical worker of the Minsk city polyclinic No. 28 vaccinates volunteers against COVID-19 with a Russian Sputnik V vaccine
A medical worker of the Minsk city polyclinic No. 28 vaccinates volunteers against COVID-19 with a Russian Sputnik V vaccine

Electronic registration for vaccination against COVID-19 was started in Moscow for doctors, teachers, and social workers. So far, the registration is only possible through the mos.ru portal (government of Moscow - Bizpages).

On Wednesday 02 Dec 2020, Vladimir Putin ordered Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova to begin a large-scale vaccination of Russians against coronavirus next week. According to the President, two million doses of the vaccine should become ready in the coming days.

Who can be vaccinated

Now vaccination against coronavirus is available only to citizens of Moscow, Russian capital city, who are included in the main risk groups. These cover people who are in daily contact with a large number of population. In addition to health workers and teachers, employees of city social institutions will be able to get the vaccine.

As the vaccine becomes largely available, the list of persons, who can receive the vaccine will be gradually expanded, and ultimately any resident of the capital will get a chance to be vaccinated.

The citizens will get the vaccine if they are between 18 and 60, have no chronic diseases, have not participated in clinical trials of the coronavirus vaccine before, have not been vaccinated in the last 30 days, and have not had respiratory disorders lately. One also needs to have a record in one of Moscow clinics. Vaccination is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Sputnik V is the first registered COVID-19 Vaccine
Sputnik V is the first registered COVID-19 Vaccine

Where can I get vaccinated?

According to Sergei Sobyanin, Moscow Mayor, the entire technological and organizational chain of vaccination has been created in Moscow. Specialized warehouses have been selected, refrigerators and refrigerated containers for vaccine delivery have been prepared.

The vaccination centers are equipped with medical refrigerators, and the staff was trained. In the capital, 70 vaccination points were opened on the basis of urban adult polyclinics. They operate daily from 08:00 to 20:00. People can sign up for the queue for vaccination two weeks in advance.

The vaccination centers in Moscow will start operations on December 5.

How to vaccinate

The COVID-19 vaccine is given twice. You only need to sign up for the first vaccination, the second will be recorded automatically, an SMS will come a day before as a reminder.

The vaccination will require at least an hour of free time: 10 minutes for a doctor's examination before vaccination; the preparation of the vaccine will take about 15 minutes and 30 minutes for observation after vaccination.

Vaccinated Muscovites will receive a certificate with marks of two vaccinations confirming that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

When going for vaccination, one must have a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy, and a document that confirms the fact of employment in the relevant industry or organization. The city reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided.

The latest data on the situation with COVID-19 in Russia and the world are presented on the stopcoronavirus.ru portal.

20 Apr 2021
Edu, Germany
Halo there, Do you have any info how a vaccination tour can be arranged to Moscow? How much would it cost in euro?
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