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Business List/Directory for China Are you a business company in China?
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Last updated: 10 Mar 2025

China Business Directory & List of Companies

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China, officially the People's Republic of China, a densely populated country in East Asia, bordered by India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar.
China on Map
China on Map - see more from Google map

Total area: 9,597,000 km².

Population: 1.393 billion people (2018). The ethnic composition: China is a single multinational state with 56 nationalities. Han people make up 91.6% of the country's total population, which is why the other 55 nationalities are commonly referred to as national minorities.

The state language is Mandarin.

Features: the country has access to the sea.

Capital city: Beijing, 21.54 million (2018).

Five China's largest cities (2018)

  1. Tianjin, 15.7 million inhabitants
  2. Guangzhou, 14.4 million inhabitants
  3. Chengdu, 14 million inhabitants
  4. Shenzhen, 12 million inhabitants
  5. Dongguan, 11.5 million inhabitants

Economy of China

The GDP: 14,343 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 3.2% (Q2/20), GDP per capita - 8,254 USD (2019), GDP per capita based on PPP - 16,117 USD (2019). Annual inflation rate: 2.4% (Aug 2020) Salary: 90501 CNY/year | 1106.511 USD/month (2019). Unemployment rate: 5.6% (Q2/20). Corruption rank - 80.

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, China is ranked 31st among 190 countries. Currency: Chinese Yuan.

Main branches of the Chinese economy

Extractive industry: oil production, coal mining, gas production

Manufacturing industry: oil refining, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, automotive, aerospace

High technology: electronics industry.

Exports: 2 353 billion USD (Aug 2020)

Export structure

  • 26% (654 billion USD) - Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts; sound recording and reproducing equipment, equipment for recording and reproducing television images and sound, parts and accessories
  • 17.6% (439 billion USD) - nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and mechanical devices;
  • 3.86% (96 billion USD) - furniture; beds, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furniture; lamps and lighting equipment, illuminated signs, illuminated signs
  • 3.22% (80 billion USD) - plastics and articles thereof
  • 3.01% (75 billion USD) - means of land transport, except for railway or tram rolling stock, and their parts and accessories
  • 2.94% (73 billion USD) - garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
  • 2.88% (71 billion USD) - Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, control, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories
  • 2.86% (71 billion USD) - articles of apparel and clothing accessories, excluding knitted or crocheted items
  • 2.62% (65 billion USD) - ferrous metal products
  • 2.39% (59 billion USD) - organic chemicals
Aggregate imports to China amounted to 2.13 trillion USD in 2018. In percentage, the increase in the supply of goods to China compared to 2017 was 15.7%: The imports of goods increased by 291 billion USD (in 2017, goods worth 1.84 trillion USD were imported to China).

6 largest companies in China

  1. China Mobile
  2. Tencent
  3. Alibaba
  4. Baidu
  5. Xiaomi
  6. Huawei

5 largest Chinese banks

  1. ICBC - Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
  2. ABC - Agricultural Bank of China
  3. BOC - Bank of China
  4. CCB - China Construction Bank - (Construction Bank of the People's Republic of China).
  5. BoCom - Bank of Communication
Featured Company: Dynapac machine is one of the leading producers of Dynapac machines in China with many customers abroad.

Company Directory by Industry

AgricultureFeed Manufacturing (2)~Forestry and Logging (1)~Plant Growing (1)~Poultry (1)~Seeds (1)ArtCrafts (1)~Design (1)Business ServicesBusiness Process Management and Modeling (1)CateringDrinks (1)~Food (1)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (1)~Building Construction (2)~Costruction Materials (7)EducationColleges and Universities (5)Energy UseElectric Supply (2)EntertainmentErotic (1)~Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (2)~Gifts (1)~Outdoor (1)~Playgrounds, Indoor, Outdoor (1)~Shopping (2)~Sportive Events (1)~Toys (2)EnvironmentRecycling (1)~Sewage Collection and Treatment (1)~Sustainable Development (1)~Waste Disposal (1)~Water Management (2)Government and Non-profitEducation (4)~Scientific (4)Health and CareBiotechnologies and Genetics (1)~Medical Devices and Accessories (1)~Veterinary (1)HomeArchitecture and Construction (2)~Furniture (3)~Gardening (1)~Home Appliances (2)~Home Improvement (3)~Home and Office Remodeling (1)~Interior Design (1)Industrial Goods and ServicesChemicals (2)~Clothing and Footwear (3)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (1)~Electronic and Optical Products (3)~Fabricated Products and Components (9)~Fuels, Consumable Supplies (1)~Leather and Leather Products (1)~Machinery and Equipment (37)~Measuring and Testing Devices (5)~Medicines and Substances (1)~Metallurgical Industry (13)~Other Finished Products (6)~Paper Products (1)~Printing and Copying (2)~Rubber and Plastic Products (7)~Textiles (2)~Toys (1)~Wood Products (1)MiningMining of Metal Ores (3)Professional ServicesAdvertising (1)~Audit (1)~Business Management and Consulting (2)~Marketing (2)~Personal Development (1)~Quality Management and Certification (1)~Repairing (1)~Web Design and Development (1)~Writing, Blogging, Editing (1)Science and TechnologyArtificial Intelligence (2)~Infrastructure, Facitilites (3)~Institutes, Laboratories (8)~Personalities (3)Sports and RecreationSports (2)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (1)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (1)~IT Hardware (1)~Internet (3)TradeE-commerce (2)~International (6)~Wholesale Trade (7)Transport and StorageFreight Forwarding (2)~Rail (1)~Urban Transport (1)~Warehousing (1)TravelAccommodation (1)~Outdoors and Adventure (1)~Travel Agents (3)

Neighboring Countries

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