United States Business Directory & List of Companies
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Indian business and economy
India is a country in South Asia, bordering with Pakistan, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh.
Total area: 3,287,000 sq. km.
Population - 1.353 billion (2018)
Ethnic composition: There are several hundred nations, nationalities and tribes in India. The largest of them are: Hindus, Telugu, Marathi, Bengalis, Tamils, Gujarati, Kannara, and Punjabis.
Hindus make up 80% of the population, Muslims 14%, Christians 2.4%, Sikhs 2%, Buddhists 0.7%.
Official language: in India 447 different languages and 2000 dialects are spoken. The Indian Constitution stipulates that Hindi and English are the two languages of the national government, that is, the state languages. In addition, an official list of 22 languages is pronounced.
Capital city: New Delhi with 21.75 million population (2011).
Five largest cities (2011)
№ | City | Population, people.
| Mumbai | 12 478 447
2. | Delhi | 11 007 835
3. | Bangalore | 8 425 970
4. | Hyderabad | 6 809 970
5. | Ahmedabad | 5 570 585
The volume of GDP is 2 875 billion US dollars (2019). Annual GDP growth rate - 23.9% (Q2/20), GDP per capita - USD 2169(2019), GDP per capita PPP - USD 6,754 (2019).
Annual inflation rate is 6.69% (Aug 2020). Average salary is 272 INR per day or .31 USA per month (2014). Indian unemployment rate is 11% (2020), Corruption index: 80.
According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, India ranks 63rd among 190 countries. Currency: Indian rupee (INR).
Major sectors of the Economy
The India's economic structure is ambiguous. Agriculture, industry and other sectors are developing. The economy is largely influenced by culture and traditions, but this does not prevent the country from developing.
The agricultural production in India is noted for impressive contrasts. There are large plantations and small farms nearby. The country has become the leader in terms of the area of irrigated land. 60% of the labor force are employed in the agriculture, with its share in GDP reaching 19.9%, and 15% in total exports.
Rice and wheat are becoming the main consumer crops. Large quantities of corn and potatoes are also harvested.
Industrial crops include cotton, sugar cane, bananas, and soybeans. India is one of the world's leading sugar producers.
The country occupies a leading position in the number of cattle.
Mining industry includes extraction of iron ore, coal, and oil. The production of textiles is highly developed in India. Metallurgy, automobile industry, production of bicycles, household appliances, building materials and agricultural goods are well-developed.
Exports total USD 22.700 billion (Aug 2020)
Exports structure:
13.7% (USD 44 billion) - Mineral fuels, oil and products of their distillation
11.3% (USD 36 billion) - Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals
6.58% (USD 21 billion) - Nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and mechanical devices and their parts
5.64% (USD 18.2 billion) - Organic chemicals
5.38% (USD 17.4 billion) - Ground Transportation
5.03% (USD 16.2 billion) - Pharmaceuticals
4.61% (USD 14.9 billion) - Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts;
3.02% (USD 9.77 billion) - Ferrous metals
2.58% (8.36 billion USD) - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories,
India's total imports totaled USD 478 billion in 2019. The decrease in the supply of goods to India in value was 5.66% compared to 2018: Imports of goods decreased by USD 28 billion as compared to 2018 when goods worth USD 507 billion were imported to India.
Seven Top Companies in India
1. | Reliance Industries | Mumbai | 106 | 82 331
2. | Indian Oil | New Delhi | 117 | 77 587
3. | Oil & Natural Gas | Dehradun | 160 | 61 420
4. | State Bank of India | Mumbai | 236 | 47 286
5. | Tata Motors | Mumbai | 265 | 43 599
6. | Bharat Petroleum | Mumbai | 275
Six Top Banks in India
South Indian Bank
State Bank of India (SBI)
State Bank of Saurashtra
Thane Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd.
UCO Bank
Union Bank of India
Featured Company: NOMAD solar lamp
is a company that specializes in producing various types of lamps fed by solar energy.
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Company Directory by Sector Feed Manufacturing (1)~ Plant Collection (2)~ Plant Growing (3)~ Seeds (2)Architecture (1)~ Crafts (5)~ Design (4)~ Literature (1)~ Music (2)~ Performing Arts (3)~ Visual Arts (1)Accounting (7)~ Advertising and Marketing (43)~ Business Process Management and Modeling (26)~ Closure, Liquidation (2)~ Legal Advice (3)~ Office Management and Administration (1)~ Office Premises, Coworking Space, Lease (1)~ Online Promotion (7)~ Opening, Registration, Formation of Companies (5)~ Recruitment, HR (10)~ Taxation (1)Cafes (1)~ Drinks (1)~ Food (9)~ Food Delivery (4)~ Organic Food (1)~ Restaurants (3)Architecture and Design (12)~ Building Construction (16)~ Construction of Infrastructure (5)~ Costruction Materials (23)Apprenticeship (1)~ Coaching (28)~ Colleges and Universities (46)~ Preschooling (3)~ Private Lessons (4)~ Professional (33)~ Public Awareness (3)~ Schooling (10)~ Spiritual Enlightment (1)Air Conditioning (1)~ Electric Supply (1)~ Heating (2)~ Renewable Energy (1)Cuisine, Cooking (1)~ Events and Activities (3)~ Gambling, Betting and Lotteries (10)~ Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (2)~ Gifts (4)~ Internet (1)~ Outdoor (1)~ Playgrounds, Indoor, Outdoor (1)~ Shopping (4)~ Sportive Events (1)~ TV and Cinema (1)~ Toys (1)Green Energy (2)~ Recycling (1)~ Sustainable Development (1)~ Water Management (1)Conferences, Summits, Assemblies (3)~ Seminars, Workshops (2)Children and Youth (1)~ Festivities and Holidays (1)~ Weddings (2)Banks (2)~ Blockchain and Crypto (3)~ Financial Services (19)~ Insurance (3)~ Investments (2)~ Pension Funds (1)Civil Society (1)~ Education (32)~ Law Enforcement (1)~ Legal Regulations, Licensing, Patents (1)~ Scientific (30)Clothing, Footwear, Skullcaps (3)~ Decor, Furniture, Household (4)~ Electrical and Electronic Devices (3)~ Food and Drinks (2)~ Tools and Accessories (1)Alternative Medicine (13)~ Beauty Shops and Parlors (8)~ Body Practices (4)~ Clinics and Hospitals (75)~ Cosmetic (12)~ Dental Clinics (12)~ Drugs, Medicines and Substances (13)~ Fitness and Coaching (10)~ Fragrances and Perfumes (1)~ Medical Devices and Accessories (13)~ Medical Doctors and Practinioners (16)~ Mental Health (11)~ Nursing (2)~ Nursing Homes, Seniors, Elderly, Assisted Living (5)~ Nutrition (5)~ Orphanages and Chidlren's Homes (2)~ Pharmaceutical Industry (7)~ Pharmacies (4)~ Public Health (16)~ Sanitation and Epidemic Control (1)~ Sexual (2)~ Spa and Wellness (6)~ Spiritual Enlightment (6)~ Veterinary (1)Architecture and Construction (1)~ Domestic Services (1)~ Furniture (9)~ Home Appliances (7)~ Home Improvement (10)~ Home Supplies (6)~ Home and Office Remodeling (2)~ Interior Design (9)~ Moving and Relocating (2)Astrology, Horoscopes (3)~ Divination, Fortune Telling, Tarots (2)~ Personal Growth (1)Beverages (1)~ Chemicals (6)~ Clothing and Footwear (6)~ Computers and Mobiles (3)~ Electrical Equipment and Cables (10)~ Electronic and Optical Products (7)~ Fabricated Products and Components (6)~ Food Products (9)~ Fuels, Consumable Supplies (5)~ Furniture (4)~ Jewelry (8)~ Machinery and Equipment (70)~ Measuring and Testing Devices (5)~ Medicines and Substances (5)~ Metallurgical Industry (25)~ Other Finished Products (10)~ Packaging Materials (8)~ Paper Products (4)~ Printing and Copying (4)~ Repairs, Servicing and Installation (5)~ Rubber and Plastic Products (5)~ Textiles (4)~ Trailers and Semi-trailers (1)~ Winemaking, Brewing, Liquors, Alcohol Drinks (3)~ Wood Products (1)Coal, Oil, Gas (1)~ Mineral Exploration (1)~ Mining of Metal Ores (2)News Agencies (4)~ Publishing and Printing (2)~ Social Media, Messengers (3)~ TV, Radio, Online Media (1)Accessories (4)~ Equipment (3)~ Garments (1)Accounting (4)~ Advertising (19)~ Architectural and Engineering Design (3)~ Artisans, Handcraft (1)~ Business Management and Consulting (20)~ Computer Design and Graphics (6)~ Computer Repairs and Servicing (1)~ Cyber Security and Data Protection (5)~ Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (34)~ Employment and Recruitment (5)~ Family Councelling (3)~ Fashion and Design (5)~ Internet Services (8)~ Land and Home Design (2)~ Legal Consulting (5)~ Maintenance and Improvement (4)~ Marketing (12)~ Medical Consulting (1)~ Quality Management and Certification (2)~ Repairing (3)~ Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring (1)~ Seminars and Trainings (1)~ Taxation (1)~ Testing (3)~ Translation and Interpretation (2)~ Tuning and Customization (1)~ Video and Photography (2)~ Web Design and Development (76)~ Web Hosting (4)~ Writing, Blogging, Editing (6)Appraisal (1)~ Development (7)~ Investment (2)~ Legal (1)~ Mortgages (1)~ Property Management (7)~ Real Estate Agents (17)~ Rent and Leasing (7)Artificial Intelligence (6)~ Infrastructure, Facitilites (6)~ Institutes, Laboratories (33)~ Personalities (2)Fitness and Workout (3)~ Gambling (1)~ Sports (5)~ Sports Events (2)Cellular and Mobile (1)~ Computer Consulting and Repairs (1)~ Games, Development, Gaming (2)~ Internet (5)~ Programming (2)~ Publishing and Printing (1)~ Software Development (10)~ Videos, Radio and TV Broadcasts (1)Delivery Services (1)~ E-commerce (4)~ International (10)~ Retail Trade (5)~ Wholesale Trade (8)Auto (3)~ Car Rental (2)~ Customs Clearing (1)~ Freight Forwarding (3)~ Location and Tracking (2)~ Postal and Courier (2)~ Urban Transport (2)~ Warehousing (4)~ Waterborne (1)Accommodation (14)~ Destinations and Attractions (12)~ Food and Drink (4)~ MICE (4)~ Outdoors and Adventure (11)~ Tour Guides (14)~ Tour Operators (26)~ Transportation (8)~ Travel Agents (44)~ Visas and Immigration (5)
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