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Last updated: 23 Mar 2025

Pakistan Business Directory & List of Companies

Join the Pakistan Business Directory on Bizpages: here you can include your company and start promoting it online. Our directory offers special tools to help you promote the products, services and activities of your Pakistani company on the Internet. Among the tools are the management of your online business reputation and handling customer reviews. In addition to this, our users can use an opportunity of conducting a long-term campaign for search engine optimization and promotion of their corporate website.
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Pakistan, full name the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a state in South Asia. Pakistan was formed as a sovereign political organization in 1947 as a result of the division of the territory of British India. Bordered by Afghanistan in the northwest and north, China in the northeast, India in the east, Iran in the southwest.

Total area: 881,913 km²

Population: 218,066,558 inhabitants (2020) Ethnic composition: Punjabis 44.68%, Pashtuns 15.42%, Sindhi 14.1%, Seraiki 8.38%, Muhajirs 7.57%, Baluchis 3.57%, others 6.28%.

Official language: Pakistan is a multilingual country. Urdu and English have the status of the state language. In the provinces of Pakistan, provincial languages: Punjabi in Punjab, Sindhi in Sindh, Baloch in Baluchistan, and Pashto in Khyber Pakhtvukhwa are used.
Pakistan on Map
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Features: the country has access to the sea

Capital city: Islamabad, 1,014,825 people. (2017)

Five largest cities (2017)

  1. Karachi 13 205 339 people
  2. Lahore 7 129 629
  3. Faisalabad 2 600 252
  4. Ravilpindi 1 991 565
  5. Multan 1 606 481
Economy. GDP volume: 278 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 1.91% (2019), GDP per capita: USD 1186 (2019), GDP per capita based on PPP: USD 4690 (2019).

Annual Inflation rate 9.04% (Sep 2020). Low-skilled workers salary: 28,700 PKR / month | 171 USD/month (2018). Unemployment rate: 4.1% (2019) Corruption rank is 120.

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Pakistan ranks 108th out of 190 countries. Currency: Pakistani rupee.

Main branches of the economy

Agriculture remains the backbone of Pakistan's economy. The most important crops are wheat, sugarcane, cotton and rice, which together account for over 75% of the total value of exported crops. The largest food crop in Pakistan is wheat. Pakistan produced 26,674,000 tons of wheat in 2017, according to the USDA, which is more than all of Africa and almost as much as all of South America.

The most developed manufacturing industry in Pakistan is textiles, which uses domestic raw materials. In 1980, a metallurgical plant was built near Karachi. There are oil refineries. Small-scale production is developed: sporting goods and the pharmaceutical industry.


In 1952, the first natural gas deposits were discovered in Baluchistan, but later they were found in Sindh and Punjab. 7 oil fields were discovered too. Oil reserves are estimated at 300 million barrels.

Other minerals include coal, chrome ores, marble, table salt, limestone, uranium, phosphorites, barite, sulfur, precious and semiprecious stones.

Automotive industry

In April 2005 Pakistan started the production of REWO own car. There is also an assembly plant for KAMAZ vehicles in Karachi.

Total exports from Pakistan totaled 23 billion USD in 2019. In value terms, the increase in the supply of goods from Pakistan amounted to 0.54% compared to 2018: the export of goods increased by 127 million USD (in 2018, values in the amount of 23 billion were supplied from Pakistan).

Export structure

  • 17% (4.06 billion USD): Finished textiles; sets; used clothing and textiles; rags
  • 13.6% (3.24 billion USD): Cotton
  • 12.7% (3.02 billion USD): Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
  • 11.8% (2.8 billion USD): Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted
  • 9.97% (2.36 billion USD): Cereals
  • 2.66% (632 million USD): Leather goods; saddlery and harness; travel accessories, handbags and similar items
  • 1.98% (472 million USD): Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
  • 1.9% (453 million USD): Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, control, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories
  • 1.82% (433 million USD): Salt; sulfur; earth and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement
  • 1.67% (397 million USD): Edible fruits and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons
Pakistan's total imports totaled 50 billion USD in 2019. The decrease in the supply of goods to Pakistan in value terms amounted to 16.8% compared to 2018: imports of goods decreased by 10.1 billion USD (in 2018, goods/services worth 60 billion USD were imported to Pakistan).

Top 5 Pakistani companies

  1. Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL): OGDCL is a major player in Pakistan's oil and gas industry, engaged in the exploration, production, and marketing of hydrocarbons, contributing significantly to the country's energy sector.
  2. Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL): PPL is another leading company in Pakistan's energy sector, focusing on oil and gas exploration and production, playing a crucial role in the country's energy industry.
  3. Engro Corporation: Engro is a diversified conglomerate with interests in various sectors, including petrochemicals, fertilizers, food, and energy. It is one of Pakistan's largest and most respected corporate entities.
  4. Habib Bank Limited (HBL): HBL is one of Pakistan's oldest and largest commercial banks, offering a wide range of banking and financial services, both domestically and internationally.
  5. MCB Bank Limited: MCB is another major commercial bank in Pakistan, known for its extensive network and comprehensive banking services. It plays a vital role in the country's banking and financial sector.

Top Five Largest Pakistani Banks

  1. Habib Bank Limited (HBL): HBL is one of Pakistan's largest and oldest commercial banks. It has a wide network of branches and offers a comprehensive range of banking and financial services to individuals and businesses.
  2. United Bank Limited (UBL): UBL is another major commercial bank in Pakistan with a strong presence and extensive banking services. It is known for its retail and corporate banking operations.
  3. MCB Bank Limited: MCB is a prominent commercial bank in Pakistan, offering a wide array of financial products and services. It has a significant market share in the banking sector.
  4. National Bank of Pakistan (NBP): NBP is one of the largest and state-owned banks in Pakistan. It has a broad network of branches and provides various banking services.
  5. Allied Bank Limited (ABL): ABL is a well-established commercial bank with a presence in various cities across Pakistan. It offers retail and corporate banking solutions.

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Company Directory by Industry

AgricultureAnimal Husbandry (1)~Fishing and Fish Farming (1)~Plant Growing (3)~Poultry (2)~Seeds (5)ArtCrafts (6)~Design (13)~Music (1)~Performing Arts (1)~Visual Arts (2)Business ServicesAccounting (3)~Advertising and Marketing (35)~Business Process Management and Modeling (10)~Closure, Liquidation (1)~Legal Advice (2)~Office Management and Administration (2)~Office Premises, Coworking Space, Lease (4)~Online Promotion (11)~Opening, Registration, Formation of Companies (1)~Recruitment, HR (7)~Taxation (3)CateringCafes (3)~Clean Water (1)~Drinks (6)~Food (16)~Food Delivery (7)~Organic Food (6)~Restaurants (11)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (21)~Building Construction (30)~Construction of Infrastructure (14)~Costruction Materials (19)EducationApprenticeship (3)~Coaching (28)~Colleges and Universities (31)~Preschooling (2)~Private Lessons (19)~Professional (35)~Public Awareness (12)~Religious (3)~Schooling (18)Energy UseAir Conditioning (4)~Electric Supply (3)~Gas and Steam (3)~Heating (3)~Renewable Energy (9)EntertainmentAdventure (3)~Camping, Trekking, Hunting, Fishing (1)~Collecting (1)~Dating (21)~Erotic (19)~Events and Activities (3)~Gambling, Betting and Lotteries (1)~Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (6)~Gifts (2)~Internet (2)~Nature and Pets (1)~Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke (6)~Outdoor (1)~Parties (1)~Playgrounds, Indoor, Outdoor (1)~Shopping (21)~Sportive Events (2)~TV and Cinema (1)~Toys (7)EnvironmentAir Conditioning, Cleaning (2)~Green Energy (2)~Pollution Control (1)~Sustainable Development (1)~Water Management (2)EventsConferences, Summits, Assemblies (3)~Seminars, Workshops (5)FamilyChildren and Youth (2)~Festivities and Holidays (6)~Weddings (8)Finance and InsuranceBlockchain and Crypto (3)~E-commerce (5)~Financial Services (7)~Insurance (4)~Investments (2)~Pension Funds (1)Government and Non-profitAuthorities, Executive, Representative, Judicial, Mass Media (1)~Economy (1)~Education (6)~Foundations, Charity (1)~Law Enforcement (1)~NGO (3)~Scientific (4)Handmade, Home-MadeClothing, Footwear, Skullcaps (17)~Decor, Furniture, Household (8)~Decoration and Toys (3)~Electrical and Electronic Devices (9)~Food and Drinks (4)~Herbs and Spices (2)~Tools and Accessories (5)Health and CareAlternative Medicine (8)~Beauty Shops and Parlors (22)~Body Practices (4)~Clinics and Hospitals (46)~Cosmetic (38)~Dental Clinics (9)~Drugs, Medicines and Substances (12)~Fitness and Coaching (10)~Fragrances and Perfumes (2)~Medical Devices and Accessories (17)~Medical Doctors and Practinioners (17)~Mental Health (17)~Nannies, Babysitting, Child Care (1)~Nursing (2)~Nursing Homes, Seniors, Elderly, Assisted Living (1)~Nutrition (9)~Orphanages and Chidlren's Homes (1)~Pest Control (5)~Pharmaceutical Industry (7)~Pharmacies (5)~Public Health (18)~Sanitation and Epidemic Control (4)~Sexual (9)~Spa and Wellness (10)~Spiritual Enlightment (1)~Veterinary (7)HomeArchitecture and Construction (3)~Domestic Services (1)~Furniture (15)~Home Appliances (22)~Home Improvement (24)~Home Supplies (13)~Home and Office Remodeling (5)~Interior Design (12)~Moving and Relocating (1)~Pets (1)Human and SocietyDivination, Fortune Telling, Tarots (1)~Magic, Spells, Healing (2)~Religion (1)Industrial Goods and ServicesBeverages (2)~Chemicals (6)~Clothing and Footwear (35)~Computers and Mobiles (12)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (7)~Electronic and Optical Products (11)~Fabricated Products and Components (9)~Food Products (9)~Fuels, Consumable Supplies (1)~Furniture (7)~Jewelry (11)~Leather and Leather Products (7)~Machinery and Equipment (12)~Measuring and Testing Devices (5)~Medicines and Substances (2)~Metallurgical Industry (1)~Other Finished Products (2)~Packaging Materials (5)~Printing and Copying (2)~Repairs, Servicing and Installation (7)~Rubber and Plastic Products (2)~Textiles (6)~Tobacco, Cigarettes, Vapes (4)~Toys (5)~Winemaking, Brewing, Liquors, Alcohol Drinks (1)~Wood Products (2)MiningCoal, Oil, Gas (6)~Mineral Exploration (2)~Mining of Metal Ores (3)Mass MediaNews Agencies (3)~Newspapers, Journals, Magazines (6)~Publishing and Printing (2)~Social Media, Messengers (10)~TV, Radio, Online Media (6)Personal and CustomizedAccessories (13)~Equipment (9)~Footwear (3)~Garments (13)Professional ServicesAccounting (6)~Advertising (28)~Architectural and Engineering Design (1)~Artisans, Handcraft (1)~Audit (2)~Business Management and Consulting (35)~Computer Design and Graphics (15)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (5)~Cyber Security and Data Protection (9)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (111)~Employment and Recruitment (6)~Family Councelling (3)~Fashion and Design (22)~Internet Services (12)~Land and Home Design (4)~Legal Consulting (22)~Maintenance and Improvement (8)~Marketing (33)~Medical Consulting (1)~Personal Development (4)~Quality Management and Certification (4)~Repairing (5)~Research and Development (9)~Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring (10)~Security and Investigation (4)~Seminars and Trainings (1)~Taxation (8)~Testing (4)~Tour Guides and Leaders (2)~Tuning and Customization (2)~Tutoring (1)~Video and Photography (9)~Web Design and Development (87)~Web Hosting (24)~Writing, Blogging, Editing (16)Real EstateAppraisal (2)~Development (24)~Inspection (2)~Investment (19)~Legal (4)~Mortgages (1)~Property Management (41)~Real Estate Agents (68)~Rent and Leasing (25)Science and TechnologyArtificial Intelligence (1)~Infrastructure, Facitilites (7)~Institutes, Laboratories (5)~Personalities (4)Sports and RecreationFitness and Workout (13)~Gambling (1)~Martial Arts (11)~Olympics, World Cups, Championships (1)~Sports (24)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (5)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (6)~Games, Development, Gaming (5)~IT Hardware (7)~Internet (11)~Programming (4)~Publishing and Printing (3)~Software Development (15)~Videos, Radio and TV Broadcasts (4)TradeDelivery Services (1)~E-commerce (39)~International (17)~Retail Trade (23)~Wholesale Trade (18)Transport and StorageAuto (8)~Car Rental (4)~Customs Clearing (2)~Freight Forwarding (6)~Location and Tracking (2)~Postal and Courier (1)~Urban Transport (2)~Warehousing (4)~Waterborne (1)TravelAccommodation (11)~Destinations and Attractions (6)~Food and Drink (4)~MICE (1)~Outdoors and Adventure (7)~Publishing and Media (2)~Tour Guides (7)~Tour Operators (13)~Transportation (7)~Travel Agents (28)~Visas and Immigration (22)

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