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Last updated: 18 Mar 2025

Kazakhstan Business Directory & List of Companies

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Kazakhstan is a state in Central Asia that borders Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, China and Uzbekistan. Its total area is 2 724 902 sq.km.
Kazakhstan on Map
Kazakhstan on Map - see more from Google map
The country population is 18 690 200 (2020). Main ethnic groups: the total share of Kazakhs in the country's population has renewed a historical record reaching 67.98%. Other growing ethnic groups include Uzbeks (the share is 3.18%, +0.03%), Uighurs (1.47%, + 0.01%), Turks (0.61%) and Azerbaijanis (0.60%). Among these ethnic groups, the outward emigration from Kazakhstan is quite low.

The share of European ethnic groups is decreasing. The share of Russians decreased by 0.44% in a year (minus 35500 people) and as of January 1, 2019 totaled 19.32% of the country population. Ukrainians, who were the third largest ethnic group in Kazakhstan in the early 1990s, now are the fourth largest group, behind Kazakhs, Russians and Uzbeks. The number of ethnic Germans is also decreasing (now 0.97%). The only non-European ethnic group with decreasing portion is Tatars.

Features - it has no direct access to the world's oceans, for this you need to cross at least the border of one country.

Capital city: Nursultan (1 136 156). Other largest cities are Alma-Ata with a population of 1 500 000, Shymkent - 702 961, Karaganda - 484 400, Aktobe - 377 520.


The GDP of Kazakhstan is 170 billion USD in 2018, or 41st largest in the world. The PPP GDP is 53rd in the world or 534 billion US dollars.

GDP per capita in Kazakhstan is 9440 USD.

Kazakhstan ranks 25th in the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating. Local currency is the Kazakh Tenge. The average monthly salary in 2020 reached 197 950 Tenge. The exchange rate as of August 2020 was 1 USD = 420 Tenge.

The main branches of the Kazakh economy are non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, chemicals and petrochemicals, mechanical engineering, and production of construction materials.

The amount of oil and gas condensate exports in 2019 totaled 3,335 bn., natural gas - 352 million USD, copper - 236 million US dollars, ferroalloys - 169 million USD, wheat - 116 million USD.

Imports: as of late 2019, goods worth 34 billion USD were imported to Kazakhstan.

Five Largest Industrial Companies in Kazakhstan

  • JSC "Kazchrome"
  • KAZ Minerals PLC
  • Kazakhmys Corporation LLP
  • Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoe Mining and Processing Production Association JSC (SSGPO)
  • BI Group
  • JSC "Aluminum of Kazakhstan"

Five Largest Banks

  • JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" is the largest bank in the country with assets at the end of 2019 of 8.84 trillion Tenge, or 33% of the entire sector. Besides, it is the leader in terms of equity capital (1.25 trillion Tenge), deposits of individuals and legal entities (6.43 trillion Tenge) and net profit (315 billion Tenge).
  • JSC "Kaspi Bank" - in 2019 the bank increased its net profit by 73% and earned 175 billion Tenge against 101 billion in 2018. The bank is the fourth in terms of assets (2.17 trillion Tenge), the second in terms of deposits of individuals and legal entities (1.63 trillion Tenge).
  • DB JSC "Sberbank" - Assets: 1,688 billion Tenge as of 01.08.2018, net profit 43.7 billion Tenge.
  • JSC "House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan". The authorized capital is 78.3 billion Tenge. The equity capital is 177.8 billion Tenge (as of July 1, 2018). Assets - 850.6 billion Tenge. Net profit totaled 26.5 billion Tenge.
  • JSC "ForteBank". The bank's assets amounted to 2.2 trillion at the end of 2019. Tenge (national third), which is 24% growth as compared to 2018. Net profit amounted to 38.3 billion Tenge.

Company Directory by Industry

Business ServicesAdvertising and Marketing (1)~Closure, Liquidation (1)~Legal Advice (2)~Online Promotion (1)~Opening, Registration, Formation of Companies (1)~Recruitment, HR (1)ConstructionBuilding Construction (1)~Costruction Materials (5)EducationColleges and Universities (1)Energy UseGas and Steam (1)EnvironmentWaste Disposal (1)FamilyChildren and Youth (1)Finance and InsuranceBlockchain and Crypto (4)~Financial Services (4)~Investments (1)Government and Non-profitEducation (1)~International (1)~NGO (1)~Policy-Making, Think Tanks, Analytical (1)~Scientific (1)Handmade, Home-MadeElectrical and Electronic Devices (2)Health and CareBody Practices (1)~Clinics and Hospitals (4)~Cosmetic (1)~Medical Devices and Accessories (1)~Public Health (2)HomeFurniture (1)~Home Supplies (1)Industrial Goods and ServicesClothing and Footwear (1)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (4)~Electronic and Optical Products (1)~Machinery and Equipment (2)~Measuring and Testing Devices (1)~Other Finished Products (1)Professional ServicesAdvertising (1)~Business Management and Consulting (1)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (1)~Internet Services (2)~Legal Consulting (2)~Web Design and Development (1)Real EstateProperty Management (1)~Real Estate Agents (1)Science and TechnologyInstitutes, Laboratories (1)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (1)~IT Hardware (1)~Software Development (1)TradeE-commerce (5)~Retail Trade (4)~Wholesale Trade (1)Transport and StorageAuto (2)~Freight Forwarding (1)~Location and Tracking (2)~Rail (1)

Neighboring Countries

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