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Business List/Directory for Uzbekistan Are you a business company in Uzbekistan?
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Last updated: 06 Jan 2025

Uzbekistan Business Directory & List of Companies

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Uzbekistan Overview

Uzbekistan is a state in Central Asia, bordered by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Total area: 448 978 sq. km.

Population - 30 565 411 people (2020). The major ethnic groups: about 80% of the modern population of Uzbekistan are Uzbeks, over 10% are representatives of other peoples of Central Asia (4.5% Tajiks, 2.5% Kazakh, 2% Karakalpak, 1% Kyrgyz, Turkmen and others).

Russians and other Slavic peoples (10%) remain one of the largest ethnic minorities. The main languages of communication are Uzbek, Tajik, and Russian.
Uzbekistan on Map
Uzbekistan on Map - see more from Google map
An important feature of the geographical location is that the country have no direct access to the sea: to reach the sea one would need to cross at least borders of at least two countries (a double land-locked country).

The capital city, Tashkent has a population of 2.57 million people. The five largest cities but Tashkent are:
  1. Namangan (591 800)
  2. Samarkand (519 700)
  3. Andijan (425 500)
  4. Bukhara (276 433)
  5. Fergana (184 500)


Uzbekistan's GDP is 66.733 billion USD, ranking 105th in the world. Gross domestic product in PPP (purchasing power parity) is 61st globally.

GDP per capita. GNI per capita based on PPP in Uzbekistan is 6110 USD (world's 150th).

According to the World Bank's Doing Business rating, Uzbekistan was ranking 69th (2020) and 76th (2019) in the past 2 years. Local currency - Uzbek sum (UZS).

The average monthly salary in 2019 was 2.32 million soums per month. Current exchange rate is 10200 Soum per 1 USD.

The main sectors of the economy are the production of fruits and vegetables, the chemical, silk, automotive and tourism industries.

The main export items of Uzbekistan are gold, energy and oil products, textile products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, food products, and chemical products.

In 2019, cotton exports totaled USD 222 million, exported production of textile industry amounted to USD 771.2 million.

Five largest industrial companies in Uzbekistan

  1. Uztransgaz
  2. Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant (NGMK)
  3. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (AGMK)
  4. Artel
  5. British Tobacco Company Uzbekistan
  6. ENCE GmbH

Five largest banks in Uzbekistan

  1. National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs
  2. Uzpromstroybank (3.23 billion USD)
  3. Asaka Bank (2.17 billion USD)
  4. Qishloq Qurilish Bank (1.41 billion USD)
  5. Ipoteka Bank (1.35 billion USD)

Company Directory by Sector

AgriculturePlant Collection (1)~Plant Growing (2)~Seeds (2)ArtArchitecture (1)~Crafts (2)~Performing Arts (1)~Visual Arts (1)Business ServicesCateringFood (1)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (3)~Building Construction (1)~Construction of Infrastructure (1)~Costruction Materials (3)EducationApprenticeship (1)~Colleges and Universities (2)Energy UseAir Conditioning (1)~Electric Supply (1)EntertainmentAdventure (1)~Camping, Trekking, Hunting, Fishing (1)~Outdoor (1)~Sportive Events (1)EnvironmentEventsFamilyFinance and InsuranceBanks (2)~Financial Services (3)~Investments (1)Government and Non-profitBodies, Ministries, Agencies (1)~Diplomatic (2)~Education (1)~International (1)~Sports, Physical Culture (1)Handmade, Home-MadeHealth and CareClinics and Hospitals (5)~Medical Devices and Accessories (1)~Medical Doctors and Practinioners (1)~Nursing (1)~Pharmaceutical Industry (2)~Pharmacies (2)~Public Health (2)~Spa and Wellness (1)HomeFurniture (1)~Gardening (2)~Home Appliances (2)~Home Improvement (1)Human and SocietyIndustrial Goods and ServicesClothing and Footwear (1)~Furniture (1)~Machinery and Equipment (2)~Medicines and Substances (1)~Other Finished Products (1)~Repairs, Servicing and Installation (1)~Rubber and Plastic Products (1)~Textiles (1)~Transport Vehicles (1)MiningMineral Exploration (1)Mass MediaPersonal and CustomizedProfessional ServicesArchitectural and Engineering Design (1)~Artisans, Handcraft (2)~Business Management and Consulting (3)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (1)~Maintenance and Improvement (1)~Marketing (1)~Medical Consulting (1)~Translation and Interpretation (2)Real EstateAppraisal (1)~Development (2)~Escrow Services (1)~Investment (1)~Mortgages (1)~Property Management (2)~Real Estate Agents (3)Science and TechnologyInstitutes, Laboratories (1)Sports and RecreationAdventure (1)~Sports (1)~Sports Events (1)TelecommunicationsComputer Consulting and Repairs (3)~IT Hardware (2)~Internet (1)~Programming (1)~Software Development (1)TradeE-commerce (1)~International (1)~Retail Trade (2)~Wholesale Trade (2)Transport and StorageAuto (4)~Aviation (2)~Customs Clearing (3)~Freight Forwarding (6)~Location and Tracking (2)~Rail (3)~Traffic Control (1)~Waterborne (1)TravelAccommodation (3)~Food and Drink (1)~MICE (1)~Tour Operators (3)~Transportation (1)~Travel Agents (1)

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