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Business List/Directory for Germany Are you a business company in Germany?
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Last updated: 21 Mar 2025

Germany Business Directory & List of Companies

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Germany is a country in Western Europe bordering with Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France.

Total area: 357 386 km².

Population: 83 149 300 people (2020) The population of Germany is exceptionally homogenic in terms of its national composition: almost 100% of its permanent residents are Germans. National minorities make up about 0.2% of the country's population. These are: Danes - 30,000, Gypsies - 40,000, Dutch - 80,000, Lusatians - 20,000.

State language (German) is adopted as the state language, but residents also use many dialects and languages ​​of national minorities. About 95% of the population speaks German in the country. Linguists have about sixty dialects in use among the Germans.

The recognized languages ​​of national minorities are Danish, Frisian, Lusatian, Roma and Lower Saxon.

Russian in Germany is spoken by about 6 million people, and half of them are immigrants from the countries of the former USSR and their descendants.

Features: the country has access to the sea.

Capital city: Berlin with 3.769 million population (31 Dec 2019)
Germany on Map
Germany on Map - see more from Google map

Five largest cities in Germany (2010)

  1. Hamburg 1 786 448 people
  2. Munich 1 353 186 people
  3. Cologne 1 007 119 people
  4. Frankfurt am Main 679 664 people
  5. Stuttgart 606 588 people
Economy. The volume of GDP is 3846 billion USD (2019). Annual GDP growth rate - 11.3% (Q2 / 20), GDP per capita - USD 47 628 (2019), GDP per capita PPP - USD 53 815 (2019).

Annual inflation rate: 0% (Aug 2020). Unemployment rate: 4.4% (Jul. 2020), salary: 4021 EUR/month. | 4766.76 USD/month. (1 sq./20)

The real cost of living in Germany today is 347 euros for a head of family and 80% of this amount for all other family members.

It is this amount that low income segments of the population, for example, the unemployed, can expect to have as material assistance.

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Germany is ranked 22nd among 190 countries. Currency: Euro.

The main sectors of the economy The basis of the modern German economy is mechanical engineering. About 42% of the world's printing equipment is manufactured in Germany. Also, 32% of the total market is occupied by German machines for the textile and metallurgical industries, equipment for plastic processing (31%), turbines (22%).

Over one million people are employed in the production of electrical engineering, while its quality is considered to be the leading in the world.

The country's automotive industry is considered a real pride of the nation. Germany has been one of the three leading automotive countries in the world over many years.

In terms of volume, it is second only to the production of cars in Japan and the United States.

In the light industry, a decline has been observed in recent years due to a reduction of the market.

The Ruhr region is considered as a textile region in Germany. The main branches of the food industries are winemaking and brewing. At the same time, one third of the production is exported. Germany ranks second in the world in terms of exports.

Exports: 1 020 291 billion EUR | 1 210 263 billion USD (Jul. 2020)

Export structure

  • 17.2% (258 billion USD) - Nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and mechanical devices
  • 16.3% (244 billion USD) - Ground transportation
  • 10.4% (155 billion USD) - Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts;
  • 6.04% (90 billion USD) - Pharmaceutical products
  • 5.41% (80 billion USD) - Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, control, precision instruments and apparatus
  • 4.1% (61 billion USD) - Plastics and articles thereof
  • 2.83% (42 billion USD) - Aircraft, spacecraft
  • 2.28% (34 billion USD) - Mineral fuels, oil and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes
  • 2.09% (31 billion USD) - Articles of iron or steel
Aggregate imports to Germany totaled 1.24 trillion USD in 2019. The decrease in the supply of goods to Germany in value terms was 4.03% compared to 2018.

Imports of goods decreased by 52 billion USD (in 2018, goods worth 1.29 trillion USD were imported to Germany).

TOP 10 goods imported into the country in 2019:
  • 5.74% (71 billion USD) - Cars and other motor vehicles
  • 3.28% (40 billion USD) - Crude oil and crude oil products obtained from bituminous minerals
  • 3.24% (40 billion USD) - Parts and accessories for motor vehicles
  • 2.52% (31 billion USD) - Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons
  • 2.46% (30 billion USD) - Medicines
  • 2.38% (29 billion USD) - Computing machines and their units; magnetic or optical readers
  • 1.97% (24 billion USD) - Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic purposes;
  • 1.96% (24 billion USD) - Oil and oil products obtained from bituminous products
  • 1.9% (23 billion USD) - Transmitting equipment for radio broadcasting or television, whether or not including receiving, recording or reproducing equipment; television cameras, digital cameras and camcorders

5 largest companies in Germany

  1. Volkswagen
  2. Daimler
  3. Allianz
  4. BMW
  5. Siemens

5 largest banks in Germany

  1. Deutsche Bank AG, assets worth 1.636 billion euros
  2. Commerzbank AG, assets worth 574 billion euros
  3. KfW Group, assets worth EUR 464 billion
  4. DZ Bank Group, assets worth 386 billion euros
  5. HypoVereinsbank (UniCredit Bank AG), assets worth € 297.700 billion

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Company Directory by Industry

AgricultureSeeds (1)ArtDesign (2)~Performing Arts (4)Business ServicesAdvertising and Marketing (2)~Business Process Management and Modeling (2)~Legal Advice (1)~Office Premises, Coworking Space, Lease (1)~Online Promotion (2)~Recruitment, HR (1)CateringCafes (2)~Drinks (1)~Food (5)~Food Delivery (3)~Restaurants (6)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (1)~Building Construction (3)~Construction of Infrastructure (1)~Costruction Materials (1)EducationApprenticeship (1)~Coaching (3)~Colleges and Universities (8)~Private Lessons (1)~Professional (4)Energy UseElectric Supply (2)~Heating (2)~Renewable Energy (1)EntertainmentDating (2)~Erotic (1)~Gambling, Betting and Lotteries (5)~Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (3)~Gifts (1)~Internet (1)~Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke (1)~TV and Cinema (2)~Toys (5)EnvironmentWater Management (1)EventsConferences, Summits, Assemblies (1)FamilyWeddings (1)Finance and InsuranceBlockchain and Crypto (1)~Financial Services (5)~Insurance (4)Government and Non-profitCivil Society (1)~Education (8)~Emergencies (1)~NGO (1)~Policy-Making, Think Tanks, Analytical (1)~Scientific (8)Handmade, Home-MadeClothing, Footwear, Skullcaps (8)~Decor, Furniture, Household (3)~Decoration and Toys (1)~Electrical and Electronic Devices (2)~Food and Drinks (5)~Herbs and Spices (2)~Tools and Accessories (5)Health and CareAlternative Medicine (8)~Beauty Shops and Parlors (4)~Clinics and Hospitals (3)~Cosmetic (3)~Drugs, Medicines and Substances (8)~Fitness and Coaching (4)~Medical Devices and Accessories (3)~Medical Doctors and Practinioners (1)~Mental Health (3)~Nutrition (3)~Public Health (6)~Spa and Wellness (1)~Veterinary (3)HomeArchitecture and Construction (2)~Domestic Services (3)~Furniture (2)~Gardening (1)~Home Appliances (3)~Home Improvement (8)~Home and Office Remodeling (3)~Interior Design (1)~Moving and Relocating (1)~Pets (1)Human and SocietyMagic, Spells, Healing (2)~Occult (2)Industrial Goods and ServicesChemicals (1)~Clothing and Footwear (2)~Computers and Mobiles (5)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (2)~Electronic and Optical Products (8)~Fabricated Products and Components (2)~Food Products (2)~Jewelry (1)~Machinery and Equipment (6)~Medicines and Substances (1)~Metallurgical Industry (1)~Other Finished Products (3)~Packaging Materials (1)~Printing and Copying (2)~Repairs, Servicing and Installation (2)~Transport Vehicles (1)Mass MediaPublishing and Printing (1)~Social Media, Messengers (4)~TV, Radio, Online Media (1)Personal and CustomizedAccessories (2)~Garments (1)Professional ServicesAccounting (4)~Advertising (23)~Architectural and Engineering Design (6)~Artisans, Handcraft (1)~Business Management and Consulting (18)~Computer Design and Graphics (3)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (3)~Cyber Security and Data Protection (1)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (14)~Employment and Recruitment (1)~Family Councelling (1)~Internet Services (7)~Legal Consulting (8)~Maintenance and Improvement (2)~Marketing (4)~Personal Development (1)~Repairing (3)~Research and Development (1)~Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring (3)~Security and Investigation (3)~Testing (1)~Tour Guides and Leaders (1)~Translation and Interpretation (1)~Tuning and Customization (1)~Video and Photography (3)~Web Design and Development (16)~Web Hosting (2)~Writing, Blogging, Editing (2)Real EstateDevelopment (1)~Property Management (1)~Real Estate Agents (5)~Rent and Leasing (4)Science and TechnologyInfrastructure, Facitilites (1)~Institutes, Laboratories (8)Sports and RecreationAdventure (2)~Art (1)~Fitness and Workout (2)~Martial Arts (1)~Olympics, World Cups, Championships (1)~Sports (4)~Sports Events (1)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (1)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (1)~IT Hardware (1)~Software Development (7)TradeDelivery Services (1)~E-commerce (5)~Retail Trade (5)~Wholesale Trade (1)Transport and StorageAuto (17)~Aviation (1)~Car Rental (5)~Customs Clearing (2)~Freight Forwarding (3)~Location and Tracking (1)~Urban Transport (2)~Warehousing (1)TravelAccommodation (7)~Destinations and Attractions (1)~Tour Guides (2)~Tour Operators (1)~Transportation (9)~Travel Agents (3)~Visas and Immigration (2)

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