Austria Business Directory & List of Companies
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Austria is a state in Europe, bordered by Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Italy.
Its total area is 83 879 sq. km.
The population reaches 8.859 million (2019). It is world's 94th in terms of population and 112th in terms of territory.
The ethnic composition of the Austrian population is homogeneous, about 98% are German-speaking Austrians. In addition, there are six recognized national minorities: Croats, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Gypsies (about 300 000 in total).
The official (state) language is German. Austria, within the framework of its historical and cultural heritage, has been a multinational state for centuries (initially as the Austrian Empire, later as Austro-Hungary). It is still not entirely uniformly German-speaking, but within its borders, albeit small ones, its autochthonous minorities have different mother tongues: Hungarian is the most common of the recognized minority languages spoken in Austria (mainly in Burgenland,
where it is the official language, and in Vienna there are about 40,000 speakers, 0.5% of the Austrian population). Slovenian (24,000) has the same status in Carinthia and Styria.
The same is true for Burgenlandic Croatian (19,000), a variant of Croatian spoken in Burgenland. In addition, Czech (18,000), Slovak (10,000) and Roma (6,000) are recognized on the basis of minority protection rights.
Features: Austria is a landlocked country.
The capital city Vienna has 1.897 million people (2019). Five largest cities are: Graz with over 250 000, Linz with 190 000, Salzburg with 145 000, Innsbruck with 120 000, and Klagenfurt with 90 000.
Economy of Austria in Figures
- GDP: As of 2023, Austria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is approximately 490 billion USD.
- GDP Growth: The GDP growth rate for Austria in 2023 is estimated at 2.1%.
- GDP per Capita: The GDP per capita in Austria is around 54,800 USD.
- Exports/Imports: In 2022, Austria's total exports amounted to about 208 billion USD, while imports were approximately 207 billion USD, resulting in a trade surplus of 1 billion USD.
- Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate in Austria as of 2023 is approximately 5.6%.
- Ease of Doing Business: According to the World Bank, Austria ranks 27th in the Ease of Doing Business index as of 2020.
- Key Sectors of the Economy: Key sectors driving Austria's economy include manufacturing, particularly machinery and vehicles, services (including tourism), and agriculture.
Top Companies in Austria
- Österreichische Post AG: Österreichische Post AG is the national postal service of Austria, with a market capitalization of approximately 1.7 billion USD. The company provides postal and logistics services, making it a vital part of the Austrian economy. Visit Österreichische Post AG
- Erste Group Bank AG: Erste Group Bank AG is one of the largest financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe, with a capital of around 11.6 billion USD. The bank offers a range of banking services to personal and corporate clients. Visit Erste Group Bank
- OMV AG: OMV is an integrated oil and gas company with a market capitalization of approximately 12 billion USD, involved in exploration, production, refining, and marketing of oil and gas products. Visit OMV
- Voestalpine AG: Voestalpine AG is a leading steel and technology company, valued at about 7 billion USD, specializing in steel production and processing, as well as railway infrastructure. Visit Voestalpine
- Raiffeisen Bank International AG: Raiffeisen Bank International is a major banking group in Central and Eastern Europe, with a capital of around 10 billion USD, offering a wide range of banking services. Visit Raiffeisen Bank International
- Wienerberger AG: Wienerberger is the world's largest producer of bricks and roof tiles, with a market capitalization of approximately 4.5 billion USD, serving the construction industry. Visit Wienerberger
- Andritz AG: Andritz AG is an international technology group providing equipment and services for various industries, with a capital of around 3.5 billion USD. Visit Andritz AG
- Austrian Airlines AG: Austrian Airlines is the largest airline in Austria, valued at about 1.8 billion USD, operating scheduled flights to various destinations around the world. Visit Austrian Airlines
- Strabag SE: Strabag is one of the leading construction companies in Europe, with a market capitalization of approximately 5.4 billion USD, providing construction and engineering services. Visit Strabag SE
- Red Bull GmbH: Red Bull is a globally recognized energy drink company, valued at about 8 billion USD, known for its marketing and sponsorship of extreme sports events. Visit Red Bull
Top Banks in Austria
- Erste Group Bank AG: Erste Group Bank AG is one of the largest banks in Austria with assets totaling around 291 billion USD, offering a wide range of financial services to personal and corporate clients. Visit Erste Group Bank
- Raiffeisen Bank International AG: Raiffeisen Bank International is a major player in the Austrian banking sector with assets of about 270 billion USD, focusing on retail and corporate banking. Visit Raiffeisen Bank International
- UniCredit Bank Austria AG: With assets of approximately 231 billion USD, UniCredit Bank Austria offers comprehensive banking services, including investment banking and retail banking. Visit UniCredit Bank Austria
- Oberbank AG: Oberbank is a regional bank in Austria with assets around 25 billion USD, providing retail and corporate banking services primarily in Austria and neighboring countries. Visit Oberbank
- Volksbank Wien AG: This cooperative bank has assets totaling about 9 billion USD, offering various banking services, including loans and deposits, primarily to individuals and small businesses. Visit Volksbank Wien
- Hypo Group Alpe Adria: With assets of approximately 14 billion USD, Hypo Group Alpe Adria provides banking and financial services primarily in Austria and the Adriatic region. Visit Hypo Group Alpe Adria
- Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG: This regional bank has assets around 7 billion USD, offering personal and commercial banking services to clients in the Tyrol and Vorarlberg regions. Visit Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg
- Sparebank 1 SR-Bank: With assets totaling about 5 billion USD, Sparebank 1 SR-Bank provides banking and financial services primarily in Austria and Norway. Visit Sparebank 1 SR-Bank
- VIG Holding AG: A major insurance and banking group, VIG Holding has assets worth approximately 38 billion USD, providing a range of financial products. Visit VIG Holding
- Constantia Privatbank AG: With assets of around 2 billion USD, Constantia Privatbank focuses on private banking and wealth management services for affluent clients. Visit Constantia Privatbank
Featured Companies
Paklaot is a set of activities and measures to increase disaster preparedness.
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| Appartements Haus Angela
| Hotel am Reiterkogel
| Hotel zur Post Salzburg
| Mag. Armin Weinrath - Praxis f. Psychotherapie & therap. Hyp
| Wein&Gut
| Facharztpraxis Innere Medizin Mag.Dr.Christian Ritelli
| Global Computer Service
| Global Computer Service
| Fiduzia Steuerberatungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
| steuerWEHR Unternehmens- und Steuerberatungs GmbH
| Design Otter
| Webabond, Webdesign & Webentwicklung mit Drupal
| FUXIG Michael Schöffmann
| Taxi Strasser
| Brehm Immobilien GmbH
| Finest Homes Luxusimmobilien Salzburg
| Apartment Vienna
| Nürnberger Versicherung AG Österreich
| Sportgigant Lindpointner GmbH & Co KG
| Natura Vet Österreich
| Gameshop Gameline GmbH
| Spielzeugstube Eiblhuber OG
| Explainer Video Company
| Chit Chat Cafe
| Taxi Adler
| DPS Accounting Perth
| N!cky Watzek e.U.
| techengel A. Trto
| Taxi Stefan Nitsch
| Gerhard Nöckler
| Spielwaren-Kröll
| Fa.Stocksreiter : Vaillant Öl-Gas / Abus Video-Alarmanlagen
| Aikido Villach
| Dr. med. vet. Gabriele Razek
| Psychotherapie & Coaching Kevin J. Hall, MSc
| Bunny Models
| ODosta Store
| Ferrum Bau
| influData
| Mail Boxes Etc
| Dr. Chichakli
| Non Stop Nanny Vienna
| Salon Eva - Color & Style
| PromotionMax
| Schloss Krumbach International School
| Brust OP bei Dr. René Draxler
| Squarefoot Selfstorage Österreich
| Eltz Kids - Zahnspangen für Kinder
| Mommy Makeover im Kuzbari Zentrum
| Rotem Hess
| Weinhandl
| Zahnregulierung & Zahnspange Votiv
| NESTOR Immobilien
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