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Business List for Switzerland Are you a business company in Switzerland?
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Last updated: 17 Jun 2024

Switzerland Business Directory & List of Companies

Company Directory by Sector

AgricultureArtBusiness ServicesAdvertising and Marketing (1)~Business Process Management and Modeling (1)~Legal Advice (2)CateringCafes (3)~Drinks (4)~Food (3)~Food Delivery (3)~Organic Food (1)~Restaurants (3)ConstructionEducationCoaching (1)~Colleges and Universities (6)~Private Lessons (2)~Schooling (3)Energy UseEntertainmentCircus (1)~Events and Activities (2)~Gambling, Betting and Lotteries (1)~Gifts (1)~Nature and Pets (1)~Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke (2)~Toys (3)EnvironmentEventsSeminars, Workshops (2)FamilyChildren and Youth (2)Finance and InsuranceBanks (1)~Blockchain and Crypto (1)~Financial Services (7)~Insurance (5)~Investments (1)~Pension Funds (1)Government and Non-profitEducation (6)~Scientific (6)Handmade, Home-MadeFood and Drinks (2)Health and CareAlternative Medicine (3)~Clinics and Hospitals (5)~Cosmetic (1)~Public Health (2)~Spa and Wellness (2)HomeArchitecture and Construction (1)~Furniture (1)~Home Improvement (1)~Home Supplies (1)~Interior Design (1)~Moving and Relocating (2)~Pets (1)Human and SocietyIndustrial Goods and ServicesBeverages (1)~Chemicals (1)~Clothing and Footwear (4)~Jewelry (3)~Machinery and Equipment (2)~Other Finished Products (1)MiningMass MediaPublishing and Printing (1)Personal and CustomizedGarments (3)Professional ServicesAccounting (3)~Advertising (3)~Business Management and Consulting (5)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (3)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (1)~Employment and Recruitment (1)~Fashion and Design (2)~Legal Consulting (3)~Maintenance and Improvement (1)~Marketing (1)~Personal Development (2)~Repairing (1)~Security and Investigation (3)~Translation and Interpretation (3)~Video and Photography (3)~Web Design and Software Development (4)Real EstateAppraisal (1)~Development (1)~Property Management (2)~Real Estate Agents (4)~Rent and Leasing (3)Science and TechnologyInfrastructure, Facitilites (1)~Institutes, Laboratories (6)Sports and RecreationGambling (1)~Sports (3)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (1)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (3)~Computer Software (4)~Games, Development, Gaming (1)~Publishing and Printing (1)TradeTransport and StorageAuto (5)TravelAccommodation (5)~Transportation (4)

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