France Business Directory & List of Companies
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France is a country in Western Europe, bordered by Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain Switzerland, Andorra, Belgium, and Netherlands.
Area: 643,801 km²
Population - 66.99 million (2019). Ethnic composition: French (94%), Portuguese, Algerians, Italians, Moroccans, Turks, and Basques.
About 5 million people are of foreign origin (immigrants, or their parents or grandparents were immigrants), of which 2 million have French citizenship.
The official language is French.
Features - the country has access to the sea.
Capital city: Paris, 2.148 million (Jan 1, 2020)
Five largest cities in France
- Marseille 850 636 people
- Lyon 491 268
- Toulouse 447 360
- Nice 344 068
- Nantes 287 845
Economy. GDP volume: 2,716 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 4.3% (Q3/20), GDP per capita - USD 44,317 (2019), GDP per capita based on PPP - 46,184 USD (2019). Annual inflation rate: 0% (Oct 2020). Av. salary: 3 084 EUR/month | 3656.931 USD/month. (2017), unemployment rate: 9% (Q3/20). Corruption rank - 23.
According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, France is ranked 32nd among 190 countries. Currency: Euro.
Main sectors of the economy: Industry in France is one of the most important sectors of the country's economy. The main sectors of the industry are manufacture of
automobiles and auto parts, aviation, rocket and space technology, electronics and electrical engineering, oil refining and petrochemistry, energy.
The main branch of agriculture in France is meat and dairy farming. France is also the largest producer of wheat and other cereals, corn, oil plants, sugar beets, potatoes, grapes, as well as seeds and other planting materials. France ranks 1st in the EU for production of feed for animals. Fishing and oyster farming are highly developed (second position in the world after China).
Export 37 559 billion EUR | 44.537 billion USD (Sep 2020)
Import 43,305 bn. EUR | 51.35 billion USD (Sep 2020)
The largest companies in France
- Carrefour | Market cap: 25.2 billion USD
- EADS | Market cap: 52.4 billion USD
- L'Oréal group | Market cap: 106.6 billion USD
- EDF | Market cap 46.3 billion USD
- GDF Suez | Market cap: 49.5 billion USD
- Sanofi | Market cap: 136 billion USD
- BNP Paribas | Market cap: 78.4 billion USD
- AXA | Market Cap: 64.2 billion USD
5 largest banks (by number of clients)
- Crédit Agricole - 52,000,000
- BNP Paribas - 32,000,000
- Groupe BPCE - 31,200,000
- Société Générale - 31,000,000
- Caisse d'Epargne - 20,600,000
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