Netherlands Business Directory & List of Companies
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The Netherlands (Holland) is a flat country in northwestern Europe, bordered by Belgium, Germany, and France.
Total area: 41,526 km².
Population - 16 908 443 people (2015). Ethnic composition: 80.7% are Dutch, 2.4% Germans, 2.4% Indonesians, 2.2% Turks, 2.0% Surinamese, 2% Moroccans, 1,5% Indians, 0.8% Antilians and Arubans, and 6.0% other ethnic groups.
In the Netherlands, the official language is Dutch.
Features: the country has access to the sea.
Capital city: Amsterdam, 821,752 people (2015)
Five largest cities in the Netherlands
- Rotterdam
- The Hague
- Utrecht
- Eindhoven
- Tilburg
Economy. GDP volume: 909 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 9.4% (Q2/20), GDP per capita: 55,690 USD (2019), GDP per capita in PPP: 57,141 USD (2019), Annual inflation rate 0.7% (Aug 2020), minimum wages 1,680 EUR / month | 1,974 USD / month (Q4 / 20). Unemployment rate: 4.6% (Aug 2020), corruption rank: 8.
According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, the Netherlands ranks 42nd among 190 countries. Currency: Euro.
Main branches of the economy
The most important industries: Mechanical engineering, Petrochemistry, Aircraft industry, Ferrous metallurgy, Textile industry, Furniture industry, Pulp and paper industry, Shipbuilding.
Total exports from the Netherlands totaled 577 billion USD in 2019. In value terms, the increase in the supply of goods / services from the Netherlands compared to 2018 was 3.9%: the export of goods/services increased by 21 billion USD (in 2018, goods worth 555 billion USD were supplied from the Netherlands).
Export structure:
13.2% (76 billion USD): Mineral fuels, oil and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes
- 12% (69 billion USD): boilers, equipment and mechanical devices; their parts
- 10% (57 billion USD): Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts; sound recording and reproducing equipment, equipment for recording and reproducing television images and sound, their parts and accessories
- 7.77% (44 billion USD): Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, control, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories
- 4.36% (25 billion USD): Ground transportation vehicles, except for railway or tram rolling stock, and their parts and accessories
- 4.24% (24 billion USD): Pharmaceuticals
- 4.23% (24 billion USD): Plastics and articles thereof
- 2.92% (16.8 billion USD): Organic chemicals
- 2.05% (11.8 billion USD): Ferrous metals
The total imports to the Netherlands amounted to 514 billion USD in 2019. In value terms, the increase in the supply of goods and services to the Netherlands compared to 2018 was 2.77%: the imports grew by 13.8 billion USD (in 2018, goods worth 500 billion USD were imported to the Netherlands).
5 largest companies in Holland, revenues billion dollars USA
- Royal Dutch Shell 396.556
- EXOR Group 175.010
- Airbus 75.185
- Royal Ahold 74.1045
- Louis Dreyfus 40.571
5 largest banks in the Netherlands
ABN AMRO - Acquired in 2007 by a consortium of RBS, Fortis and Banco Santander in the largest takeover in banking history.
Amsterdam Trade Bank (Trade Bank of Amsterdam) was founded in 1994.
ASN Bank founded in May 1960.
Bank Nederlands Gemeenten (BNG) is one of the five largest banks in Holland.
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