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Business List/Directory for Australia Are you a business company in Australia?
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Last updated: 30 Jan 2025

Australia Business Directory & List of Companies

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Australia is a country that occupies the entire continent bearing the same name, washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The area of the country is 7,692,000 sq.km. The Commonwealth of Australia includes not only the mainland, but also the island of Tasmania, and several islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The population comprises 25,180,200 (2019). Australia is the world's sixth largest country and 50th in population. The national composition of the population: Australians 82%, British 7.2%, Italians 2%, Greeks 1.2%, Aborigines 1% ...

Official (state) language - the state language of Australia is the Australian version of English.

Capital city Canberra had 420 960 population in 2018. Five largest cities/population: Sydney / 5 230 330, Melbourne / 4 963 349, Brisbane / 2,462,637, Perth / 2,059,484, Adelaide / 1,345,777 (2018).

Economy. Australia's GDP is 1393 USD billion (2019), being the 6th in the world in terms of GDP per capita (57,373.69 USD (2018) and 13th in terms of gross domestic product)

In 2018, the country was ranking second in the human development index. GDP growth rate: 7% (Q2/2020) Annual inflation rate: 0.3% (Q2/2020).

Interest rate: 0.25% (Sep 2020) Unemployment rate: 7.5% (Jul 2020), salary - 1305 AUD / week or 3794.708 USD / month.

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Australia is ranked 14th out of 190 countries. Currency: Australian dollar.

The main sectors of the economy are mining, industrial and transport equipment, food processing, chemical industry, metallurgy, and agriculture.

Exports totalled 34.496 billion Australian dollars. (25.077 billion USD) - as of Jul. 2020. Exports include commodities - such as coal, iron ore, gold, meat, wool, alumina, wheat, as well as machinery and transport equipment.

Imports reached AU.890 billion or 21.729 bln. USD as of Jul 2020, imported items include computer equipment, transport, airplanes, TV equipment, medicines, clothing, paper products and food.

Five largest companies in Australia

  1. Wesfarmers revenue - 53985 mln USD
  2. Woolworths Group revenue - 47842 mln USD
  3. BHP Billiton revenue - 45809 mln USD
  4. Commonwealth Bank of Australia revenue - 33186 USD mln
  5. Westpac Banking revenue - 29028 USD mln

5 largest banks in Australia

  1. National Australia Bank is the largest Australian bank with over 750 billion Australian dollars in assets (approximately .24 billion) as of 30 September 2011.
  2. Westpac Banking Corporation - AU.228 billion in assets
  3. Commonwealth Bank of Australia AU.899 billion
  4. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group - AU.488 billion
  5. Macquarie Group - AU.568 billion

Featured Companies

Tsunami Survival Pod is a company that focuses on saving lives at times of natural disasters.

Company Directory by Sector

AgricultureAnimal Husbandry (1)~Feed Manufacturing (1)~Fishing and Fish Farming (1)~Forestry and Logging (3)~Plant Collection (5)~Plant Growing (2)~Seeds (1)ArtCrafts (4)~Cuisine (1)~Design (4)~Music (2)~Performing Arts (5)~Visual Arts (3)Business ServicesAdvertising and Marketing (7)~Business Process Management and Modeling (10)~Legal Advice (3)~Office Management and Administration (1)~Office Premises, Coworking Space, Lease (1)~Online Promotion (1)~Recruitment, HR (3)~Taxation (1)CateringCafes (14)~Drinks (4)~Food (27)~Food Delivery (18)~Organic Food (3)~Restaurants (22)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (5)~Building Construction (36)~Construction of Infrastructure (10)~Costruction Materials (19)EducationApprenticeship (1)~Coaching (10)~Colleges and Universities (10)~Preschooling (2)~Private Lessons (10)~Professional (18)~Public Awareness (4)~Schooling (6)Energy UseAir Conditioning (9)~Electric Supply (13)~Gas and Steam (4)~Heating (2)~Renewable Energy (11)EntertainmentAdventure (3)~Camping, Trekking, Hunting, Fishing (3)~Collecting (1)~Cuisine, Cooking (1)~Dating (1)~Erotic (4)~Events and Activities (8)~Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (2)~Gifts (3)~Internet (1)~Nature and Pets (1)~Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke (7)~Outdoor (3)~Playgrounds, Indoor, Outdoor (1)~Shopping (5)~TV and Cinema (4)~Theater (1)~Toys (3)EnvironmentAir Conditioning, Cleaning (8)~Biodiversity Protection (1)~Cleaning of Home and Office (1)~Green Energy (4)~Pollution Control (3)~Waste Disposal (5)~Water Management (3)EventsSeminars, Workshops (2)FamilyChildren and Youth (2)~Funerals (1)~Weddings (5)Finance and InsuranceBanks (1)~Blockchain and Crypto (2)~Financial Services (33)~Insurance (10)~Investments (2)Government and Non-profitBodies, Ministries, Agencies (1)~Education (4)~Environment (1)~Foundations, Charity (1)~Human Rights (1)~Law Enforcement (1)~Legal Regulations, Licensing, Patents (2)~Scientific (3)~Social Care (1)Handmade, Home-MadeClothing, Footwear, Skullcaps (4)~Decor, Furniture, Household (1)~Electrical and Electronic Devices (2)~Tools and Accessories (2)Health and CareAlternative Medicine (8)~Beauty Shops and Parlors (8)~Body Practices (5)~Clinics and Hospitals (55)~Cosmetic (12)~Dental Clinics (22)~Drugs, Medicines and Substances (5)~Fitness and Coaching (8)~Medical Devices and Accessories (5)~Medical Doctors and Practinioners (9)~Mental Health (2)~Nursing (2)~Nursing Homes, Seniors, Elderly, Assisted Living (3)~Nutrition (3)~Orphanages and Chidlren's Homes (1)~Pest Control (2)~Pharmaceutical Industry (3)~Pharmacies (2)~Public Health (13)~Sexual (1)~Spa and Wellness (7)~Spiritual Enlightment (1)~Veterinary (4)HomeArchitecture and Construction (12)~Domestic Services (30)~Furniture (13)~Gardening (14)~Home Appliances (26)~Home Improvement (83)~Home Supplies (11)~Home and Office Remodeling (9)~Interior Design (4)~Moving and Relocating (6)~Pets (8)Human and SocietyDivination, Fortune Telling, Tarots (1)~Personal Growth (3)Industrial Goods and ServicesBeverages (1)~Chemicals (1)~Clothing and Footwear (8)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (15)~Electronic and Optical Products (3)~Fabricated Products and Components (1)~Food Products (6)~Furniture (1)~Jewelry (5)~Leather and Leather Products (1)~Machinery and Equipment (17)~Measuring and Testing Devices (3)~Medicines and Substances (1)~Metallurgical Industry (1)~Other Finished Products (5)~Packaging Materials (3)~Paper Products (3)~Printing and Copying (2)~Repairs, Servicing and Installation (6)~Rubber and Plastic Products (1)~Textiles (4)~Tobacco, Cigarettes, Vapes (3)~Trailers and Semi-trailers (1)~Transport Vehicles (1)~Winemaking, Brewing, Liquors, Alcohol Drinks (1)~Wood Products (1)MiningMineral Exploration (1)~Mining of Metal Ores (1)Mass MediaPublishing and Printing (3)Personal and CustomizedAccessories (9)~Equipment (3)~Garments (3)Professional ServicesAccounting (14)~Advertising (12)~Architectural and Engineering Design (3)~Business Management and Consulting (16)~Cleaning, Garbage Removal (5)~Computer Design and Graphics (5)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (1)~Cyber Security and Data Protection (3)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (19)~Employment and Recruitment (4)~Family Councelling (3)~Fashion and Design (5)~Internet Services (3)~Land and Home Design (3)~Legal Consulting (25)~Maintenance and Improvement (24)~Marketing (16)~Medical Consulting (3)~Nursing (1)~Personal Development (1)~Repairing (20)~Research and Development (2)~Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring (9)~Security and Investigation (8)~Seminars and Trainings (3)~Taxation (3)~Testing (1)~Tuning and Customization (2)~Tutoring (1)~Video and Photography (11)~Web Design and Development (22)~Writing, Blogging, Editing (6)Real EstateAppraisal (5)~Development (1)~Inspection (3)~Investment (1)~Legal (3)~Mortgages (9)~Property Management (15)~Real Estate Agents (28)~Rent and Leasing (17)Science and TechnologyInstitutes, Laboratories (3)~Personalities (2)Sports and RecreationAdventure (1)~Fitness and Workout (5)~Spa and Wellness (1)~Sports (8)~Sports Events (1)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (2)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (3)~IT Hardware (3)~Internet (2)~Programming (4)~Software Development (8)TradeDelivery Services (1)~E-commerce (15)~International (2)~Retail Trade (16)~Wholesale Trade (10)Transport and StorageAuto (24)~Car Rental (4)~Freight Forwarding (1)~Location and Tracking (2)~Postal and Courier (1)~Traffic Control (1)~Urban Transport (1)~Warehousing (3)~Waterborne (3)TravelAccommodation (11)~Destinations and Attractions (6)~Food and Drink (2)~Outdoors and Adventure (6)~Tour Guides (3)~Tour Operators (6)~Transportation (15)~Travel Agents (14)

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