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Scientific / Government and Non-profit - List of Business Companies in Australia

Logo - Western Sydney University
Western Sydney University
Penrith, Australia
Founded 1989 (University of Western Sydney) as a federated network of three members (UWS Hawkesbury, UWS Macarthur, and UWS Nepean) under the banner of the University of Western Sydney. In...

updated: .. | client reviews: 0 | client rating: 4.50 | products & services: 0

Logo - University of Wollongong
University of Wollongong
Wollongong, Australia
Founded 1951 as Division of New South Wales University of Technology. Became later College of University of New South Wales. In 1975 University of Wollongong was established as an autonomous...

updated: .. | client reviews: 0 | client rating: 2.55 | products & services: 0

Logo - Griffith University
Griffith University
Southport, Australia
Founded 1971 and officially opened 1975. The University has adopted a 'School' Structure as its academic unit.


Accountancy, Anatomy, Art Education, Arts and Humanities, Asian Studies, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedicine, Business and...

updated: .. | client reviews: 0 | client rating: 2.52 | products & services: 0

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