Indonesia Business Directory & List of Companies
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Indonesia is a state in Southeast Asia, which occupies the territory of several thousand volcanic islands. It borders with Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.
The area of Indonesia. Total: 1 919 440 km²; Land: 1,826,440 km²; inland waters: 93,000 km².
Population: 272 791 805 people (2020). Ethnic composition: more than 300 different ethnic groups live in the country. The largest of these are Javanese, who make up about 42% of the total population. Other large groups: Sundans (15.4%),
Malays (4.1%), Chinese (about 4%), Madurians (3.3%), Bataks (3%), Bugis (2.9%), and Minangkabau (2.7%).
Official language: Indonesian (self-name Bahasa Indonesia), one of the Austronesian languages. It has been the official language (since 1945) and the language of international communication in Indonesia. It has the status of a working language in East Timor.
In everyday communication, this language is used by about 20 million people. The total number of those who speak the language to one degree or another is about 200 million.
Features: the country has access to the sea.
Capital city: Jakarta, 9.608 million inhabitants (2010)
Five largest cities (2014)
- Jakarta 10 135 030 people
- Surabaya 2 843 144
- Bandung 2 575 478
- Bekasi 2 510 951
- Medan 2 497 183
Economy. GDP volume: 1,119 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 5.32% (Q2/20), GDP per capita: USD 4 451 (2019), PPP per capita GDP: USD 11 812 (2019).
Annual inflation rate 1.32% (Aug 2020). According to the Indonesian Ministry of Labor, the official minimum wage in Indonesia in 2020 varies from 1 704 608 rupees (Yogyakarta) to 4 276 349 (Jakarta) rupees per month depending on the province, which is equivalent to 110 and 275 US dollars, respectively.
Unemployment rate: 4.99% (Q1 / 20) Corruption rank - 85.
According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Indonesia ranked 73rd among 190 countries of the world. Currency - Indonesian rupee.
Main branches of the economy
Extractive industry
Indonesia has rich deposits of various minerals: high-quality oil, tin, bauxite, nickel, manganese, lead, copper, zinc, and chromium.
Oil and gas production: The state-owned (and largest of the national companies) Pertamina Group, controls the production and processing of oil.
The most significant manufacturing industries are:
food industry (about 19% of all non-resource production, almost 6,000 large and medium-sized businesses)
chemical industry (16%, about 900 enterprises)
textile industry (7%, about 2000 enterprises)
tobacco industry (7%, over 1600 enterprises)
manufacture of machinery and equipment (7%, about 600 enterprises)
automotive industry (6%, over 270 enterprises)
pulp and paper industry (6%, over 530 enterprises)
production of ready-made clothes (4%, over 2000 enterprises).
Metallurgy and metalworking, mechanical engineering
The international corporations Toyota Astra Motor (plant in Karawang, West Java), Astra Daihatsu Motor (plant in Karawang) operate in the automotive industry in Indonesia,
Honda Prospect Motor (plant in Karawang), Nissan Motor Indonesia (plant in Purvakarta, West Java), Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia (plant in Bekasi, West Java),
General Motors (Bekasi plant), Hyundai Motor (Cikaranga plant, West Java), Suzuki Indomobil Motor (Cikaranga and Tambuna plants, West Java), Volkswagen
(plant in Chikampek, West Java).
Exports and Imports
Exports amount to 13.069 billion USD (Aug 2020). Export structure:
20% (34 billion USD) - Mineral fuels, oil and products of their distillation
10.5% (17.5 billion USD) - Animal or vegetable fats and oils
4.97% (8.31 billion USD) - Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts;
4.87% (8.14 billion USD) - Ground transportation vehicles, excluding railway or tram rolling stock
4.43% (7.41 billion USD) - Ferrous metals
3.96% (6.61 billion USD) - Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals
3.6% (6.02 billion USD) - Rubber, rubber and articles thereof
3.23% (5.4 billion USD) - boilers, equipment and mechanical devices; their parts
2.68% (4.48 billion USD) - Paper and cardboard; articles made of paper pulp, paper or cardboard
2.68% (4.48 billion USD) - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
Cumulative imports to Indonesia totaled 170 billion USD in 2019. The decrease in the supply of goods to the country in value terms amounted to 9.52% compared to 2018:
the imports of goods decreased by 17.9 billion USD (in 2018, Indonesia was importing goods worth 188 billion USD).
5 largest companies in Indonesia
- Pertamina
- Airfast Indonesia
- Alumindo
- Angkasa Pura
8 largest banks in Indonesia by assets
- Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) - Rs 712 trillion
Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) - Rs 272 trillion
Bank CIMB Niaga - Rs 259 trillion
Bank BTPS - 190 trillion rupees
Panin Bank - 186 trillion rupees
OCBC NISP Bank - Rs 163 trillion
Bank Maybank Indonesia - 157 trillion rupees
Featured Companies
Orange Saver is a new generation company in Indonesia that deals with mitigation of tsunami consequenses.
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