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Business List/Directory for Turkey Are you a business company in Turkey?
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Last updated: 13 Feb 2025

Turkey Business Directory & List of Companies

Directory of Turkish business at Bizpages: here you can add your company and start promoting your business firm online. We offer special tools to help you promote the products, services and activities of your company based in Turkey or doing business with this country. Among the tools, there is an online business reputation management tool and effective work with customer reviews. In addition, our users conduct long-term search engine optimization campaigns and promote their corporate website.
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Turkey is a state in the south-east of Europe and south-west of Asia. It borders with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

Area: 783,562 km²

Population: 82 million (2019). Ethnic composition: Turks (70%), Kurds (18%), Arabs, Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Russians, Lazes, Circassians, Hemshins and other peoples (12%).

Official language: Turkish.

Features: the country has access to the sea.

Capital city: Ankara, 5.504 million inhabitants (2019)
Turkey on Map
Turkey on Map - see more from Google map

Five largest cities in Turkey

  1. Istanbul 13 120.60 people (2010)
  2. Ankara 4,890.89 (2011)
  3. Izmir 2,783.87 (2011)
  4. Bursa 1,704.44 (2011)
  5. Adana 1,517.79 (2011)
Economy. GDP volume: 754 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 9.9% (Q2/20), GDP per capita: USD 14 999 (2019), GDP per capita at PPP: USD 28 167 (2019). Inflation rate for the year 11.89% (Oct 2020). Salary: 422 EUR per month (July 2019), unemployment rate: 13.2% (Aug 2020). Corruption rank - 91.

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Turkey ranks 33rd among 190 countries. Currency - Turkish Lira.

Main sectors of the economy

The share of industry in the country's economy is about 33%, agriculture: 9%, services: 58% (2012). In the total volume of industrial production, the manufacturing industry has the greatest weight (84%, including construction). Textile, leather, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, energy, metallurgy, shipbuilding, automotive and electrical industries are well developed.

Tourism is a dynamically developing industry. Currently, due to competition from East Asian countries, the Turkish textile industry is in decline (-12% in 2005). The most dynamic industries are the automotive (+ 9.6% in 2005) and the chemical industry (+ 7.2% in 2005).

Exports 160.09 billion USD (Sep 2020)

Imports 208.37 billion USD (Sep 2020)

Largest companies and banks in Turkey (turnover billion USD)

  1. Koç Holding Private Conglomerate 47.1
  2. Türkiye İş Bankası Financial Services 12.4
  3. Garanti Bank Financial Services 9.8
  4. Akbank Financial services 8.2
  5. Sabanci Holding (Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding) Private conglomerate (financial services, insurance, tires, cement, retail, energy, tourism, information technology, telecommunications, cigarettes) 7.6
  6. Halkbank (Halk Bankası) Financial Services 6.2
  7. VakifBank (Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası) Financial Services 6.3
  8. Turk Telekom Telecommunications 7.1

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