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Business List/Directory for United Kingdom Are you a business company in United Kingdom?
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Last updated: 21 Mar 2025

United Kingdom Business Directory & List of Companies

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Great Britain (officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is an island state in northwestern Europe, consisting of from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It borders with Ireland, Cyprus and Spain.

Total area: 242,495 km².

Population: 66 993 318 people. Ethnic composition: British (76%), Scots (5.8%), Irish (1.9%), Welsh (3.1%), Indians (2.3%), Pakistanis (1.8%), Poles (0.9%), Bangladeshis (0.7%), Chinese (0.5%), Arabs (0.4%), immigrants from the CIS countries (0.3%), Iranians (0.1%), others (6.1%).

The country has access to the sea.

Capital city: London (with suburbs - 8.308 million people)

Five largest cities in the UK

  1. Leeds - 551,000 people
  2. Sheffield - 367.94
  3. Birmingham - 267.8 people
  4. Manchester - 115.65 people
  5. Liverpool - 441 477 people
Economy. GDP volume: 2 827 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 1.3% (Q2/19), GDP per capita: USD 43,688 (2019), GDP per capita PPP: USD 46,699 (2019) Annual Inflation rate 1.7% (Sep 2019), Salary: 542 GBP/week (Aug 2019), Unemployment Rate 3.9% (Aug 2019)

The real cost of living for a family is 1,300 GBP/month. | 1602 USD / month (2018)

According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, the UK is ranked 8th out of 190 countries. Currency: Pound Sterling (GBP).

Main sectors of the economy: transport engineering; aerospace industry; food industry; general mechanical engineering; electronics and electrical engineering; chemical industry. Exports totaled 55.494 billion GBP (Aug 2019), including:
  • 15.6% (73 billion USD): Nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and mechanical devices; their parts
  • 10.7% (50 billion USD): Land transport vehicles, other than railway or tram rolling stock, and their parts and accessories
  • 9.08% (42 billion USD): Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metals and articles thereof; bijouterie; coins
  • 8.73% (40 billion USD): Mineral fuels, oil and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes
  • 5.86% (27 billion USD): Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts; sound recording and reproducing equipment, equipment for recording and reproducing television images and sound, their parts and accessories
  • 5.76% (27 billion USD): Pharmaceutical products
  • 4.32% (20 billion USD): Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, control, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus
  • 3.93% (18.4 billion USD): Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof
  • 2.7% (12.6 billion USD): Organic chemicals
The aggregate UK imports totaled 692 billion USD in 2019. In value terms, the increase in the supply of goods to the UK compared to 2018 was 3.09%. Imports of goods increased by 20 billion USD (in 2018, goods in the amount of 671 USD billion were imported to the UK).

Imports included:
  • Gold (including gold plated with platinum), raw or semi-finished, or in powder form
  • Cars and other motor vehicles intended mainly for the transport of people
  • Crude oil and crude oil products
  • Turbojet and turboprop engines, other gas turbines
  • Transmitting equipment for broadcasting or television, tour; digital cameras and camcorders
  • Computing machines and their blocks; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transferring data to media in coded form and machines for processing such information, not elsewhere specified or included
  • Medicines

Top Ten Companies in the United Kingdom

  • HSBC Holdings plc: One of the world's largest banking and financial services organizations, HSBC Holdings has a market capitalization of approximately 140 billion USD. Official Website
  • British American Tobacco plc: A leading tobacco manufacturing company with a market cap of around 90 billion USD, operating in over 180 countries. Official Website
  • Unilever plc: A multinational consumer goods company specializing in food, beverages, and home and personal care products, with a market capitalization of 120 billion USD. Official Website
  • Diageo plc: Known for its alcoholic beverages, Diageo's market cap is approximately 100 billion USD. Official Website
  • GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK): This major pharmaceutical company has a market capitalization of around 85 billion USD. Official Website
  • BP plc: A multinational oil and gas company, BP has a market cap of roughly 90 billion USD. Official Website
  • Rio Tinto Group: A leading global mining company with a market capitalization of approximately 110 billion USD. Official Website
  • AstraZeneca plc: This pharmaceutical giant has a market capitalization of about 180 billion USD. Official Website
  • Barclays plc: An international bank and financial services company with a market cap of approximately 35 billion USD. Official Website
  • Lloyds Banking Group plc: One of the UK's largest retail banks, Lloyds has a market capitalization of around 30 billion USD. Official Website

Top Ten Banks in the United Kingdom

  • HSBC Holdings plc: The largest bank in the UK by total assets, HSBC has assets exceeding 2.9 trillion USD. Official Website
  • Barclays plc: Barclays offers a range of financial services, managing assets of around 1.8 trillion USD. Official Website
  • Lloyds Banking Group plc: With assets over 1 trillion USD, Lloyds is a major player in retail and commercial banking. Official Website
  • NatWest Group plc: Formerly Royal Bank of Scotland Group, NatWest manages assets worth approximately 970 billion USD. Official Website
  • Standard Chartered plc: Operating primarily in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, the bank has assets totaling around 820 billion USD. Official Website
  • Santander UK plc: A subsidiary of Banco Santander, it manages assets of about 380 billion USD. Official Website
  • Virgin Money UK plc: Formerly known as CYBG, Virgin Money has assets close to 100 billion USD. Official Website
  • Coutts & Co.: Specializing in wealth management and private banking services, Coutts manages assets worth approximately 50 billion USD. Official Website
  • Metro Bank plc: A challenger bank with a focus on customer service, Metro Bank's assets are around 30 billion USD. Official Website
  • TSB Bank plc: A significant player in the UK’s retail banking sector, TSB manages assets totaling around 40 billion USD. Official Website

Featured Companies

Casa Keret (Keret House) presents its products and services as an auto dealer and spare parts provider in United Kingdom.

DontFlushMe - state-of-the-art ecotoilets in London.

Company Directory by Industry

AgricultureAnimal Husbandry (1)~Feed Manufacturing (2)~Fishing and Fish Farming (1)~Forestry and Logging (1)~Plant Growing (1)~Poultry (2)~Seeds (1)ArtArchitecture (1)~Crafts (2)~Design (2)~Music (9)~Performing Arts (8)~Visual Arts (6)Business ServicesAccounting (11)~Advertising and Marketing (20)~Business Process Management and Modeling (23)~Legal Advice (7)~Office Management and Administration (1)~Office Premises, Coworking Space, Lease (3)~Online Promotion (4)~Opening, Registration, Formation of Companies (5)~Recruitment, HR (4)CateringCafes (7)~Drinks (5)~Food (13)~Food Delivery (8)~Organic Food (5)~Restaurants (15)ConstructionArchitecture and Design (16)~Building Construction (33)~Construction of Infrastructure (6)~Costruction Materials (12)EducationApprenticeship (2)~Coaching (10)~Colleges and Universities (7)~Preschooling (4)~Private Lessons (16)~Professional (21)~Public Awareness (4)~Religious (2)~Schooling (4)~Spiritual Enlightment (1)Energy UseElectric Supply (2)~Gas and Steam (1)~Heating (22)~Renewable Energy (3)EntertainmentAdventure (6)~Camping, Trekking, Hunting, Fishing (3)~Cuisine, Cooking (1)~Dating (1)~Erotic (1)~Events and Activities (5)~Gambling, Betting and Lotteries (4)~Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer (2)~Gifts (2)~Museums (1)~Nature and Pets (2)~Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke (2)~Outdoor (2)~Parties (3)~Playgrounds, Indoor, Outdoor (4)~Shopping (12)~Sportive Events (1)~TV and Cinema (2)~Toys (6)EnvironmentAir Conditioning, Cleaning (10)~Cleaning of Home and Office (2)~Recycling (1)~Waste Disposal (3)~Water Management (1)EventsConferences, Summits, Assemblies (5)FamilyChildren and Youth (2)~Festivities and Holidays (1)~Funerals (1)~Weddings (5)Finance and InsuranceBanks (2)~Blockchain and Crypto (4)~E-commerce (1)~Financial Services (52)~Insurance (1)~Investments (13)~Pension Funds (1)Government and Non-profitEducation (3)~Emergencies (1)~Environment (1)~Foundations, Charity (1)~Policy-Making, Think Tanks, Analytical (1)~Scientific (3)Handmade, Home-MadeClothing, Footwear, Skullcaps (4)~Decor, Furniture, Household (2)~Decoration and Toys (1)~Electrical and Electronic Devices (2)~Food and Drinks (2)~Tools and Accessories (1)Health and CareAlternative Medicine (8)~Beauty Shops and Parlors (12)~Body Practices (8)~Clinics and Hospitals (64)~Cosmetic (9)~Dental Clinics (21)~Drugs, Medicines and Substances (6)~Fitness and Coaching (7)~Fragrances and Perfumes (1)~Medical Devices and Accessories (10)~Medical Doctors and Practinioners (10)~Mental Health (3)~Nannies, Babysitting, Child Care (1)~Nursing (1)~Nursing Homes, Seniors, Elderly, Assisted Living (7)~Nutrition (1)~Pest Control (2)~Pharmaceutical Industry (3)~Pharmacies (3)~Public Health (19)~Sanitation and Epidemic Control (1)~Sexual (2)~Spa and Wellness (4)~Veterinary (6)HomeArchitecture and Construction (4)~Domestic Services (19)~Furniture (12)~Gardening (9)~Home Appliances (14)~Home Improvement (75)~Home Supplies (10)~Home and Office Remodeling (2)~Interior Design (16)~Moving and Relocating (4)~Pets (6)Human and SocietyAstrology, Horoscopes (3)~Personal Growth (1)Industrial Goods and ServicesBeverages (1)~Chemicals (6)~Clothing and Footwear (5)~Electrical Equipment and Cables (14)~Electronic and Optical Products (7)~Fabricated Products and Components (8)~Food Products (2)~Fuels, Consumable Supplies (2)~Furniture (5)~Jewelry (8)~Leather and Leather Products (1)~Machinery and Equipment (15)~Measuring and Testing Devices (2)~Metallurgical Industry (8)~Other Finished Products (7)~Packaging Materials (4)~Paper Products (2)~Printing and Copying (5)~Repairs, Servicing and Installation (19)~Rubber and Plastic Products (3)~Textiles (1)~Tobacco, Cigarettes, Vapes (4)~Toys (1)~Trailers and Semi-trailers (2)~Transport Vehicles (4)~Winemaking, Brewing, Liquors, Alcohol Drinks (1)~Wood Products (1)MiningCoal, Oil, Gas (2)Mass MediaNewspapers, Journals, Magazines (1)~Publishing and Printing (1)~Social Media, Messengers (2)~TV, Radio, Online Media (3)Personal and CustomizedAccessories (10)~Garments (4)Professional ServicesAccounting (20)~Advertising (8)~Architectural and Engineering Design (8)~Audit (2)~Business Management and Consulting (47)~Cleaning, Garbage Removal (2)~Computer Design and Graphics (3)~Computer Repairs and Servicing (4)~Cyber Security and Data Protection (3)~Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO (29)~Employment and Recruitment (8)~Fashion and Design (5)~Internet Services (6)~Land and Home Design (2)~Legal Consulting (14)~Maintenance and Improvement (12)~Marketing (10)~Medical Consulting (3)~Nursing (1)~Personal Development (1)~Quality Management and Certification (1)~Repairing (17)~Research and Development (2)~Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring (12)~Security and Investigation (4)~Seminars and Trainings (5)~Testing (3)~Translation and Interpretation (1)~Tuning and Customization (2)~Tutoring (3)~Video and Photography (11)~Web Design and Development (64)~Web Hosting (7)~Writing, Blogging, Editing (4)Real EstateDevelopment (2)~Escrow Services (1)~Investment (4)~Legal (1)~Mortgages (1)~Property Management (12)~Real Estate Agents (19)~Rent and Leasing (4)Science and TechnologyArtificial Intelligence (2)~Infrastructure, Facitilites (1)~Institutes, Laboratories (4)Sports and RecreationAdventure (2)~Body Practices (1)~Fitness and Workout (3)~Olympics, World Cups, Championships (1)~Sports (10)~Sports Events (3)TelecommunicationsCellular and Mobile (3)~Computer Consulting and Repairs (3)~IT Hardware (3)~Internet (5)~Programming (7)~Publishing and Printing (1)~Software Development (16)~Videos, Radio and TV Broadcasts (1)TradeE-commerce (12)~International (1)~Retail Trade (14)~Wholesale Trade (6)Transport and StorageAuto (25)~Aviation (1)~Car Rental (9)~Customs Clearing (1)~Freight Forwarding (7)~Postal and Courier (6)~Space (1)~Urban Transport (3)~Warehousing (4)~Waterborne (1)TravelAccommodation (5)~Destinations and Attractions (6)~Food and Drink (4)~Outdoors and Adventure (2)~Tour Guides (3)~Tour Operators (7)~Transportation (26)~Travel Agents (21)~Visas and Immigration (5)

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