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Last updated: 26 Sep 2024
Japan Business Directory & List of Companies
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Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. The country borders with China , North Korea , South Korea , Philippines , Russia .
Area: 377,915 km².
Population: 126.5 million (2018). Ethnic composition: Japanese 98.5%, Koreans 0.5%, Chinese 0.4%, other 0.6%.
The official language is Japanese.
Features - the country has access to the sea.
Capital city: Tokyo, 9.273 million (2015)
Five largest cities in Japan
Yokohama 3 689 603 people
Osaka 2 666 371
Nagoya 2 263 907
Sapporo 1 914 434
Kobe 1 544 873
Economy. GDP volume: 5 082 billion USD (2019). GDP annual growth rate: 5.8% (Q3/20), GDP per capita: USD 49 188 (2019), PPP per capita GDP: USD 41 429 (2019).
Annual inflation rate 0% (Sep 2020), Salary: 301,285 JPY/month | 2 899.48 USD/month (Sep 2020). Unemployment rate: 3% (Sep 2020).
Corruption rank - 20.
According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" rating, Japan is ranked 29th out of 190 countries. Currency - Japanese yen.
The main sectors of the economy are automotive, shipbuilding, electrical engineering, robotics, chemical and petrochemical industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.
Exports: 6566 JPY Billion | 63.189 billion USD oct. 2020.
Imports: 5693 JPY billion | 54.788 billion USD oct. 2020
5 largest companies in Japan (revenue mln USD)
Toyota Motor 275 288
Honda Motor 137 332
Mitsubishi 135 940
Japan Post Holdings 109,915
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 109 448
5 largest banks in Japan
Bank of Japan - the central bank of Japan
Bank of Nagoya (BNJ)
Bank of Saga Ltd
Bank of Yokohama
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Top Company Listings in Japan Business Directory
Japan Press Release Distribution
Evertrail Okinawa Camping Car Rental
University of Tsukuba
E-Housing Real Estate
Auction House Japan
Rock Trading Inc
Helprin Management
Aspect Niseko
Universal Asset Management
STC Japan
Stratford Management
Mulvey Beck
CTE Co., Ltd
Savills Japan Co.
Bhat Brothers
Sakura meds
パーソナルトレーニングジム バディ 南森町店
STC Japanese Used Vehicles & Brand New Cars
Hokkaido University
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Nanzan University
Chuo University
Toyo University
Keio University
Sophia University
Meiji University
Rikkyo University
SAT Japan
Shigakkan University
J. F. Oberlin University
Osaka University of Commerce
Kazuyoshi Sanwa
The Jikei University School of Medicine
Teplo Tea
Car Hub Japan
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