No. 3,4,5,6, Ground Floor, Block A & B, Jalan Sutera, Taman Sentosa 80150, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, 80150, Johor Bahru, Johor, Малайзия
我们所提供的项目不只是包含普通的全身按摩及脚底按摩,还包括中式经络养生、中式全身淋巴排毒、中医理疗推拿、中医艾灸理疗、高氧气电疗养、艾灸全身按摩、子宫常委调理、面部美容排毒、瘦身减脂调理、泰式按摩、越式踩背、桑拿汗蒸房、拔罐、刮痧、修脚、耳烛、磨砂等等的服务。 The services we provide are not only limited to ordinary full-body massages and foot massages. They also include Chinese Meridian Health Care, Chinese Lymphatic Detoxification, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapy...