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Logo - Natural Asia Health Sdn Bhd  亚洲养生集团

Natural Asia Health Sdn Bhd 亚洲养生集团

No. 3,4,5,6, Ground Floor, Block A & B, Jalan Sutera, Taman Sentosa 80150, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, 80150, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
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Malaysia:Health and Care:Spa and Wellness

What we do at Natural Asia Health Sdn Bhd 亚洲养生集团

我们所提供的项目不只是包含普通的全身按摩及脚底按摩,还包括中式经络养生、中式全身淋巴排毒、中医理疗推拿、中医艾灸理疗、高氧气电疗养、艾灸全身按摩、子宫常委调理、面部美容排毒、瘦身减脂调理、泰式按摩、越式踩背、桑拿汗蒸房、拔罐、刮痧、修脚、耳烛、磨砂等等的服务。 The services we provide are not only limited to ordinary full-body massages and foot massages. They also include Chinese Meridian Health Care, Chinese Lymphatic Detoxification, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapy and Massage, TCM Moxibustion Therapy, High-Oxygen Electrotherapy, Moxibustion Full-Body Massage, Uterine Health Regulation, Facial Detoxification, Beauty, Slimming, Fat Reduction Therapy, Thai Massage, Vietnamese Back Walking, Sauna and Steam Room, Cupping, Scraping, Foot Care, Ear Candling, Exfoliation, and more! 亚洲养生秉持着 “手法独而不同,传统与科技齐飞,保健共养生一体” 的宗旨为顾客提供服务。我们的团队由经验丰富、技术熟练的中泰越南技师组成。其中有超过 20 年经验的中医师、和已有 15 年手法熟练的按摩技师坐镇。在亚洲养生集团,我们注重环境的舒适和温馨。我们精心布置的按摩室提供宁静的氛围,让您能够放松身心,远离喧嚣的日常生活压力。 Natural Asia Health embraces the principle of "Unique Techniques, Blending Tradition and Technology, and Integrating Health and Wellness." Our team consists of experienced and skilled therapists from China, Thailand, and Vietnam. Among them are Chinese medicine practitioners with over 20 years of experience and massage therapists with more than 15 years of experience in massage techniques. At Natural Asia Health, we prioritize a comfortable and cozy environment. Our carefully designed massage rooms offer a serene atmosphere, allowing you to relax both your body and mind, to help escape the stress of daily life.

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Personal Information for Natural Asia Health Sdn Bhd 亚洲养生集团

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