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Business List/Directory for Lebanon Are you a business company in Lebanon?
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Last updated: 07 Jan 2025

Lebanon Business Directory & List of Companies

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1. Brief Overview of Lebanon

Lebanon, a small yet culturally rich country in the Middle East, is known for its historical significance and stunning landscapes. It covers an area of approximately 10,452 square kilometers and has a diverse population of around 6 million people.

Lebanon on Map
Lebanon on Map - see more from Google map

2. List of Provinces in Lebanon

  • Beirut Governorate - Population: 2.4 million - Provincial Capital: Beirut
  • North Governorate - Population: 761,000 - Provincial Capital: Tripoli
  • Mount Lebanon Governorate - Population: 2.2 million - Provincial Capital: Baabda
  • South Governorate - Population: 511,000 - Provincial Capital: Sidon
  • Nabatieh Governorate - Population: 346,000 - Provincial Capital: Nabatieh

3. Five Top Cities in Lebanon

  1. Beirut - Population: 2.4 million
  2. Tripoli - Population: 761,000
  3. Baabda - Population: 2.2 million
  4. Sidon - Population: 511,000
  5. Nabatieh - Population: 346,000

4. Economy of Lebanon

Lebanon's economy faces various challenges, including political instability. As of the latest available data, the country had a GDP of approximately 56 billion USD. However, economic growth has been slow, with a GDP per capita of around 9,000 USD. Lebanon engages in trade with exports such as agricultural products and imports including machinery and fuel.

6. Ten Top Banks in Lebanon

  1. Banque du Liban et d'Outre-Mer (BLOM Bank)
  2. Bank Audi
  3. Byblos Bank
  4. Societe Generale de Banque au Liban (SGBL)
  5. Banque Libano-Francaise (BLF)
  6. Fransabank
  7. Credit Libanais
  8. Bank of Beirut
  9. Audi Saradar Bank
  10. Lebanon and Gulf Bank

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