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Logo - A&A Coatings

A&A Coatings

2700 South Clinton Avenue, 07080, South Plainfield, New Jersey, United States
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United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment ~ United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Metallurgical Industry

What we do at A&A Coatings

For over 70 years, A&A Coatings has provided thermal spray coatings and applications to a long list of satisfied customers. We have always been at the forefront of the thermal spray coating, and thermal spray application industry. We specialize in thermal spraying and application on metal, ceramic, cermet, and hardfaced coatings. We serve a wide range of industries including the military and defense, electronics, aerospace, and marine industries. We have earned our reputation of high quality results, fast turnaround time & dependable service. In addition to providing thermal spray coating services and thermal coating application service, we also do restoration and machining. We can extend the life of critical parts or salvage mismachined parts thanks to our in house grinding, lapping, undercutting, and finishing service capabilities. Over the years, we have also developed many proprietary coatings to solve industry specific problems. for example, we developed A706 for the printing industry, MicroCoat semi-conductor, Cerami-Pak for packaging, Wirewear for the wire drawing industry. Our proven record of innovation and cost-effective solutions are sure to meet your business or agency's specific needs.

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Personal Information for A&A Coatings

Contact Person: Mr Richard Brunhouse, VP

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1944
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 25
Spoken Languages: English
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