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Logo - Nimble AppGenie

Nimble AppGenie

10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #24641 Houston, TX 77043, USA, 77043, Houston, Texas, United States
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Business Category

United States:Finance and Insurance:E-commerce ~ United States:Professional Services:Maintenance and Improvement ~ United States:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development

What we do at Nimble AppGenie

We, Nimble AppGenie, is a bespoke mobile app and web development company specializing in providing businesses across the globe with custom technology solutions. As a mobile app development company with over 50+ experienced software developers, We’re devoted to creating outstanding web and mobile applications that lead their industries and provide superior value to their users by combining specific domain experience and a passion for excellence to deliver enterprise-grade solutions.

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Personal Information for Nimble AppGenie

Contact Person: Mr Jermaine Trotman

Business Details

Type of business: Mobile App & Web Development Company
Year founded: 2017
Year started activity: 2017
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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