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Logo - Better Termite & Pest Control

Better Termite & Pest Control

2647 Duke Street, 22314, Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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United States:Health and Care:Pest Control

What we do at Better Termite & Pest Control

Better Termite offers a wide array of services to residential homeowners, builders and commercial construction companies. We are also pleased to have a number of green alternatives to satisfy our focus on being kind to the environment. Better Termite is proud to be a family-owned business. We have serviced more than one million homes since our inception in 1968. We’re thrilled to say the management has never changed hands. We’re flexible and responsive to your pest control needs. We are one of just a handful of pest control companies in the Washington DC area that is designated as Quality Pro and are highly ranked on Angie’s List. Better Termite offers pest control, rodent abatement, termite inspections, mosquito control, as well as an All-in-One Program to meet and exceed all of your expectations of what a pest company should do for you. We take great personal pride in our company and the high standards we set for our employees. It’s important to us to develop a long-term relationship with all our customers so that we may continue to protect their family’s families’ homes and property from pests and the damage they can cause. As a family-owned company, we answer to you, not to corporate managers. And that’s what is most important at Better Termite & Pest Control. Pest Control, Pest Control Services, Pet Friendly, RESIDENTIAL PEST CONTROL, COMMERCIAL PEST CONTROL, TERMITE CONTROL, RODENT CONTROL

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Personal Information for Better Termite & Pest Control

Contact Person: Mr Better Termite

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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