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Logo - EduPride Consulting

EduPride Consulting

132-G, Sector G Dha Phase 1, Punjab, 54792, Lahore, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Education:Coaching ~ Pakistan:Education:Professional ~ Pakistan:Education:Public Awareness

What we do at EduPride Consulting

We do not earn your business unless we are crystal clear about a certain prospect, all the associated case files, documents, history, etc. We never forcefully try to mature a lead as that comes under false business practices. We believe in a nurturing environment for students that will help them not only excel academically but also grow as an individual, and that too, at an affordable or at least reasonable fee structure.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for EduPride Consulting

Contact Person: Mr Basit Ahmad

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2005
Year started activity: 2005
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English, Urdu
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