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Logo - Calmness Day Spa

Calmness Day Spa

https://maps.app.goo.gl/gmxwLnf16JgHMbpE7, 33700, Pokhara, Gandaki Zone, Nepal
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Business Category

Nepal:Health and Care:Spa and Wellness

What we do at Calmness Day Spa

Calmness Day Spa, a well-established spa established on May 9, 2015, provides various full-body massages to refresh your body and soul. We have massage therapists with a minimum of 5 years of experience. Our skilled massage therapist will help you relax, improve blood circulation, and initiate a healing response deep within your body. Calmness Day Spa has several facilities, including a massage, sauna, and steam bath, as well as other services such as hair mehendi, facials, waxing, and facial items. You can easily access other services, which saves you time. There are numerous spas in Pokhara; however, if you want the best massage in Pokhara, Calmness Day Spa provides the best massage experience.

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Personal Information for Calmness Day Spa

Contact Person: Mr Bikram Ghimire

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2015-05-09
Year started activity: 2015-05-09
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 13
Spoken Languages: English,Nepali
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