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Logo - Aubie O'rourke Fitted Furniture

Aubie O'rourke Fitted Furniture

Unit 15 South Cork Industrial Estate, Vicars Road, T12KOEN, Togher, County Cork, Ireland
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Ireland:Home:Interior Design ~ Ireland:Home:Home and Office Remodeling ~ Ireland:Home:Home Appliances ~ Ireland:Home:Furniture

What we do at Aubie O'rourke Fitted Furniture

Aubie O'Rourke Fitted Furniture is Cork’s specialist supplier of bespoke and handmade kitchens and fitted furniture.Whether you need a bespoke-fitted vanity unit, a gorgeous boutique kitchen or handcrafted built-in wardrobes, we can enrich your home with a range of personalised fitted furniture. Our experience spanning over 40 years grants us the knowledge and expertise to create specialised kitchens with the perfect blend of modern and traditional style trends.

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Personal Information for Aubie O'rourke Fitted Furniture

Contact Person: Mr Aubie Fitted

Business Details

Type of business: Owner
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: Irish
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