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Logo - White Crane Kung Fu & Tai Chi

White Crane Kung Fu & Tai Chi

St. Kevin’s Community Centre Bloomfield Avenue , 8, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
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Ireland:Sports and Recreation:Sports

What we do at White Crane Kung Fu & Tai Chi

White Crane Kung Fu is a martial arts school based in Portobello. It comes from the Fujian province of China. Our coach Eddie Walsh is a Level 2 Graded Martial artist and he is also a Kung Fu and Tai Chi representative on the Executive Board of the Irish Martial Arts Commission (the official body overseeing Martial Arts in Ireland). Here You can practice martial arts,kung fu,sparring kung fu,shaolin kung fu. Children’s Kung Fu classes are aimed at 5-11 year olds. Our training is fun filled, challenging, discipline focused and children learn self-defense in an enjoyable and non competitive environment. Call us today at 087 679 9793 and join now.

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