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Logo - China MFRS Control Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

China MFRS Control Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

361000, Xiamen, Fujian, China
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China:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment

What we do at China MFRS Control Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

China MFRS Control Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd. , with a legacy of more than three decades, is renowned for its expertise in creating premium control valves. Our dedication to meeting a wide array of engineering demands and managing various media types is reflected in our diverse structural designs. By consistently incorporating state-of-the-art technologies from both domestic and international sources, we maintain a leading position in the industry. This forward-thinking strategy has allowed us to craft an exclusive range of pneumatic, electric, and hydraulic valves that stand out for their innovation and performance. Our comprehensive product portfolio caters to a multitude of industries, such as petroleum, chemicals, natural gas, metal smelting, electric power, and paper manufacturing. China Manufacturer have earned a reputation as specialized manufacturers of control valves for industrial automation and fluid process control, lauded for our exceptional product quality. Our offerings include high-performance balanced and unbalanced control valves, advanced butterfly control valves, and precision ball control valves. We also provide intelligent valve positioners and electro-hydraulic actuators to enhance control and efficiency. Our sophisticated manufacturing and testing infrastructure comprises horizontal machining centers, gantry and vertical machining centers, CNC cutting centers, along with a full suite of testing and inspection equipment. This setup ensures that every stage of the control valve production process is meticulously covered, guaranteeing the highest standards of quality and reliability.

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Personal Information for China MFRS Control Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

Contact Person: Mr Control Valve

Business Details

Type of business: China MFRS Control Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.
Year founded: 1990
Year started activity: 1990
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 500
Spoken Languages: English,Chinese
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