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Logo - Jining China Machinery Import And Export Co., Ltd.

Jining China Machinery Import And Export Co., Ltd.

Realization Building, Jinyu Road, High-tech Zoo, Jining, Shandong, China
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China:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment

What we do at Jining China Machinery Import And Export Co., Ltd.

Focus On China Machinery Over 30 Years Best China Construction Machinery, Shotcrete, Diesel Generator Supply Goverment-owned Corporation Jining City, Honoured By Heavy Industry Machinery,More Than 30000 Customers Choose CNMC Located In The High-tech Industrial Zone, China Machinery(CNMC), Evaluated As The National High-tech Enterprise In 1994, And Our Trademark Was Rated As Shandong Famous Brand. We Have Built An Engineering Technology Research Center. Visit Our Website: https://www.chinamachinery.cn/

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