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Logo - Zemax Capital Funding

Zemax Capital Funding

10230 NE Points Dr Ste 500, 98033, Kirkland, Washington, Canada
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Business Category

Canada:Finance and Insurance:Financial Services ~ Canada:Finance and Insurance:Investments ~ Canada:Professional Services:Accounting ~ Canada:Professional Services:Business Management and Consulting

What we do at Zemax Capital Funding

We focus on Seed Capital,Early-Stage,Start-up Ventures,existing LLC and total completion and expansion of investment projects with immediate funding. Have extensive corporate and private background.With mammoth sized connection portal. Can Fund excess of multiple projects,Equity ,mortgages and open to long term biz r/ship with partner with funding sustaining our company 3 win policy. E-mail: zemaxfunding@gmail.com Tel/whatsApp+ +1 (202)-573-9954

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Zemax Capital Funding

Contact Person: Mr Brown

Business Details

Type of business: business finance
Year founded: 1999
Year started activity: 2000
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 32
Spoken Languages: n/a
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