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Logo - Belgian Air Travel

Belgian Air Travel

Boulevard Louis Schmidt 75, 1040 , Brussels, Belgium
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Business Category

Belgium:Travel:Travel Agents

What we do at Belgian Air Travel

Belgian Air Travel, the benchmark for the incentive Belgian Air Travel, a household name with its 33 years of experience, is not only one of the oldest agencies in the field of Incentives but also the reference on the Belgian market. The organization of an Incentive trip is not simply set up, there is no room for mistakes. It is an investment in a motivation campaign that is translated into success. As a result, every request is handled with care and with an eye for detail. The organization of these trips is within us. Whether it's a day in Champagne or an overnight stay in a yurt in the heart of Mongolia, everything is planned down to the last detail. The precise attention we pay to your project has built our successful reputation and is a guarantee of the success story of your Incentive trips. We try to meet your expectations as much as possible, and we are always looking for novelties. You will receive a complete and neat presentation with the calculations of the determined prices in an open book. A complete transparency that will give you the opportunity to choose your trip according to the wishes of your guests and your budget.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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