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Logo - Itech Repair

Itech Repair

344b Magill Rd, 5068, Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
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Australia:Professional Services:Repairing

What we do at Itech Repair

iTech Repair stands at the forefront of iPad repair services in Adelaide, offering a robust solution to all your device dilemmas. Our team of certified technicians is adept in handling the most intricate issues, from screen repairs to battery replacements. We understand the importance of your device in your daily life, which is why we commit to swift, efficient, and reliable service, ensuring your iPad returns to you in optimal condition. With iTech Repair, you can expect nothing less than superior craftsmanship, genuine parts, and a customer-centric approach. For the finest iPad repair service in Adelaide, trust iTech Repair to rejuvenate your device with precision and care.

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Home based?: no
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