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users: 22814 companies: 15440

Who and How Can Be Listed on Bizpages

Business companies and individual entrepreneurs across the world can be listed on Bizpages.

Who can be listed?

Any business-oriented company, organization, agency, service provider, association or individual businessman or businesswoman from any country. Each user can list an unlimited number of businesses except for those mentioned in our Prohibited Listings page.

Listing Requirements
All listings are subject to approval by moderators. This means that only high quality businesses are accepted:
1. Business profile must be complete, contact details provided, activities described
2. Correct business category must be chosen
3. If indicated in the form, website or a page in social networks must be online, not under construction.

Listing Types

There are two types of business listing: Free and Paid. See the difference below:
Free Paid
Displays all business information in limited mode: no direct enquiries via our server, no indexable website link, etc. All extensions available, for example, clients can send direct enquiries, the listing has an indexable link. A free listing can be upgraded at any moment using bonus codes from the Account.
see all benefits of paid vs. free listing

How to get listed

Step 1
Register on Bizpages. This is a simple procedure and it will take only a minute. All you need to register is a valid e-mail address.

Step 2
Click "Add a new company" in your Account and start completing the form describing all aspects of your business. Be accurate and include as many details about your company and activities as possible.

Step 3
If Paid Listing is your choice, make a payment to upgrade with a Bonus Code. The bonus codes and payment link can be found inside your Account.

Step 4
Our moderators will check your listing and make is visible on Bizpages.

More about listing:
Why listing your business is a good idea

Business Listing
Listing Extensions
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