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Business List for Sri Lanka Are you a business company in Sri Lanka?
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Last updated: 25 Jul 2024

Sri Lanka Business Directory & List of Companies

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Overview of Sri Lanka

  • Total Area: Approximately 65,610 square kilometers
  • Population: Over 21 million people

Provinces in Sri Lanka

  • Western Province - Population: Approximately 5.8 million, Provincial Capital: Colombo
  • Central Province - Population: Approximately 2.6 million, Provincial Capital: Kandy
  • North Western Province - Population: Approximately 2.4 million, Provincial Capital: Kurunegala
  • North Central Province - Population: Approximately 1.2 million, Provincial Capital: Anuradhapura
  • Uva Province - Population: Approximately 1.5 million, Provincial Capital: Badulla
  • Sabaragamuwa Province - Population: Approximately 2.4 million, Provincial Capital: Ratnapura
  • Eastern Province - Population: Approximately 1.6 million, Provincial Capital: Trincomalee
  • Southern Province - Population: Approximately 2.5 million, Provincial Capital: Galle
  • Northern Province - Population: Approximately 1.1 million, Provincial Capital: Jaffna
Sri Lanka on Map
Sri Lanka on Map - see more from Google map

Top Cities in Sri Lanka

  • Colombo - Population: Over 752,993
  • Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia - Population: Over 245,974
  • Moratuwa - Population: Over 215,372
  • Kandy - Population: Over 125,400
  • Jaffna - Population: Over 88,138

Economy of Sri Lanka

  • GDP: Approximately 85 billion USD
  • GDP Growth: Varied over recent years
  • GDP per Capita: Approximately 4,000 USD
  • Exports/Imports: Varied data, with significant contributions from textiles, tea, and other products
  • Unemployment Rate: Approximately 4.5%
  • Ease of Doing Business: Varied, with ongoing efforts to improve the business environment
  • Key Sectors of the Economy: Agriculture, manufacturing, and services are major sectors

Ten Top Companies in Sri Lanka

  1. John Keells Holdings PLC
  2. Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC
  3. Hatton National Bank PLC
  4. Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
  5. Sampath Bank PLC
  6. Ceylon Tobacco Company PLC
  7. Nestlé Lanka PLC
  8. Dialog Axiata PLC
  9. Aitken Spence PLC
  10. DFCC Bank PLC

Ten Top Banks in Sri Lanka

  1. Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
  2. Hatton National Bank PLC
  3. Sampath Bank PLC
  4. DFCC Bank PLC
  5. National Savings Bank
  6. Bank of Ceylon
  7. People's Bank
  8. Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC
  9. Seylan Bank PLC
  10. Union Bank of Colombo PLC

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