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Business List/Directory for Algeria Are you a business company in Algeria?
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Last updated: 18 Feb 2025

Algeria Business Directory & List of Companies

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Algeria is a state in Africa, bordered by Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, Tunisia.

Total area: 2,382,000 km².

Population - 42,23 million (2018), the world's 34th country.

Ethnic composition of the population of Algeria: the main ethnic groups that make up the Algerian nation are Arabs and Berbers (Kabil, Shavia, Berbers of Oases, Tuaregs) - 99%, as well as French - 1%.

The official language of Algeria is Arabic.

The country has access to the sea.

Capital - Algeria, 3,335,418 (2012). Five largest cities: Oran - 641,240 (2012), Constantine - 465,138 (2012), Djelfa - 373,547 (2012), Batna - 324,897 (2012), Setif - 324,502 (2012).
Map of Algeria
Algeria Map

Algerian Economy in Numbers

  • GDP Size: According to the World Bank, Algeria's GDP in 2023 was approximately 175 billion US dollars.
  • GDP by PPP (Purchasing Power Parity): According to the IMF, Algeria's GDP by PPP in 2023 was around 550 billion US dollars.
  • GDP Growth: In 2023, Algeria's economy showed moderate growth of 3.2% compared to the previous year.
  • GDP per Capita: In 2023, Algeria's GDP per capita reached 4,000 US dollars.
  • Export Volume: Algeria's exports mainly consist of oil and gas, accounting for about 92% of its total exports. In 2023, the export volume amounted to 37 billion US dollars.
  • Import Volume: Algeria's imports include machinery, equipment, food products, and consumer goods. In 2023, the import volume totaled 38 billion US dollars.
  • Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate remains a significant issue in Algeria. In 2023, the unemployment rate was 11.7%.
  • Ease of Doing Business: In 2023, Algeria ranked 157th in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business index, indicating substantial administrative and legal barriers to business.
  • Key Sectors of the Economy: Algeria's key economic sectors include oil and gas, which form the backbone of the country's economy. Other important sectors are agriculture, mining, and construction.
  • Learn more about Algeria's economy on the World Bank website
  • Top 10 Leading Companies in Algeria

    • Sonatrach: The largest oil and gas company in Algeria and one of the largest in Africa, involved in exploration and production. Capital: around 40 billion USD. Official website.
    • Cevital: A leading private company in food processing and retail. Capital: around 5 billion USD. Official website.
    • Saidal: A state-owned pharmaceutical company and the largest producer of medicines in Algeria. Capital: around 1 billion USD. Official website.
    • Naftal: A state-owned company specializing in the retail of fuel and petroleum products. Capital: around 3 billion USD. Official website.
    • Djezzy: One of Algeria's largest mobile telecommunications operators. Capital: around 2 billion USD. Official website.
    • Sonelgaz: A state-owned energy company responsible for electricity production and distribution. Capital: around 8 billion USD. Official website.
    • Air Algérie: The national airline providing domestic and international flights. Capital: around 1.2 billion USD. Official website.
    • Entreprise Nationale des Travaux Routiers (ENMT): A leading company in infrastructure and road network construction. Capital: around 600 million USD. Official website.
    • Algérie Télécom: A state-owned telecommunications company offering fixed and mobile services. Capital: around 2 billion USD. Official website.
    • Asmidal: A state-owned chemical company specializing in the production of fertilizers. Capital: around 1 billion USD. Official website.

    Top 10 Leading Banks in Algeria

    • Banque Nationale d'Algérie (BNA): The largest state-owned bank offering a wide range of financial services. Capital: around 15 billion USD. Official website.
    • Banque Extérieure d'Algérie (BEA): The second-largest bank in the country offering both retail and corporate services. Capital: around 10 billion USD. Official website.
    • Crédit Populaire d'Algérie (CPA): A state-owned bank specializing in credit and deposit services. Capital: around 8 billion USD. Official website.
    • Société Générale Algérie: A private bank and a subsidiary of France’s Société Générale, offering diverse financial products. Capital: around 3 billion USD. Official website.
    • BNP Paribas El Djazaïr: Part of the international BNP Paribas group, offering retail and corporate banking services. Capital: around 2 billion USD. Official website.
    • Arab Bank Algeria: A subsidiary of Arab Bank, conducting financial operations in Algeria. Capital: around 1.5 billion USD. Official website.
    • Al Baraka Bank Algérie: An Islamic bank offering Sharia-compliant financial products. Capital: around 1 billion USD. Official website.
    • Trust Bank Algeria: A private bank providing credit and deposit services. Capital: around 700 million USD. Official website.
    • HSBC Algérie: A subsidiary of the international HSBC group, serving corporate and private clients. Capital: around 1.3 billion USD. Official website.
    • Bank of Algeria: The country’s central bank, regulating monetary policy and financial markets. Capital: around 20 billion USD. Official website.

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