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Logo - Maz Real Estat Co., Ltd

Maz Real Estat Co., Ltd

Al-Hamd Bldg.,Route (60) of Al-Harbi St., Al- Zone, Sana'a, Yemen
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Business Category

Yemen:Real Estate:Real Estate Agents

What we do at Maz Real Estat Co., Ltd

Maz Real Estate is a Yemeni limited liability company headquartered in the capital, Sanaa. It has a large and distinguished presence in Yemen It was established in August of the year 2012 AD by a group of local shareholders with long experience and accumulated in the field of contracting and real estate services in order to work in the field of real estate industry and contracting in its comprehensive concept. Accordingly, and through this concept, the company represented by its management and work team seeks to understand the rules and foundations of the market in a scientific and accurate way to meet and keep pace with the needs and aspirations of the growing customers and then provide and develop projects and solutions and real estate and engineering services diverse and innovative that meet these

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Maz Real Estat Co., Ltd

Contact Person: 0 n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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