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Logo - Wilkerson Moravian Bakery

Wilkerson Moravian Bakery

50 Miller Street Suite B, 27104, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
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United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Food Products

What we do at Wilkerson Moravian Bakery

Hand baked with love and mixed with a delicious taste, our goods at our bakery shop Winston-Salem are worth trying out. We, a Wilkerson Moravian Bakery, add sweetness to the age-old recipes with its ingredients like brown sugar, pure butter, fresh cinnamon and local honey. In addition to selling our crispy and thin Moravian sugar cakes, we also sell Moravian cookies and Carolina cheese straws. Our goods are baked with the finest ingredients and packed with the right aromas. We are a family-owned and operated business that believes in the Moravian tradition. And, to make it more special, we make sure that every bite is a haven filled with melting dough, the right sweetness and only the natural ingredients. So, in addition to carrying our family’s legacy, we add a modern touch to it with organic ingredients and divine taste. Visit us today to visit our bakery. Visit:

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
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Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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