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Logo - LeadsRain


20C Trolley Square, 19806, Wilmington, Delaware, United States
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Business Info

Business Category

United States:Professional Services:Web Design and Development

What we do at LeadsRain

In this populous world, where connecting with the mass on a personal level can be difficult, LeadsRain comes with the turn-key solutions. It’s state-of-the-art technology offers a glitch-free user experience for a seamless connectivity. Services like the Cloud-based Predictive Dialer provide the most efficient contact center solutions. The Ringless Voicemail service enable the clients to connect with their leads without causing hassles of ringing their phones at unwanted times. The Voice Broadcasting service transmits a recorded message with a press #1 option for further actions. Rich Text Messaging service comes with added features that can embed media and other files to a text message campaign for better engagement and a clearer message. Enjoy our Umbrella Approach, a result-oriented model that ensures that you reach your end goal through our campaign. Take assistance from this lean company, and make your campaigns worthwhile.

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Personal Information for LeadsRain

Contact Person: Mr Jay Thakkar

Business Details

Type of business: Owner
Year founded: 2013
Year started activity: 2013
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 25
Spoken Languages: English
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