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Logo - All Solutions Pest Control

All Solutions Pest Control

1233 Grand Canyon Dr., 63385, Wentzville, Missouri, United States
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United States:Home:Home Improvement

What we do at All Solutions Pest Control

All Solutions has an extensive list of pest control services offered to Wentzville residents. These include: - Ongoing home pest control and prevention - Bed Bug control - Mosquito control - Termite extermination - Rodent Control Our initial treatment will include both your interior and exterior. We treat your baseboards, areas where plumbing enters your home, any cracks and crevices, basement areas and even your garage. Our main focus is to flush out the pests from their nesting areas in and around your home. Outside we remove spider webs and wasp nests from the eaves before using our 50-gallon power sprayer to apply a liquid barrier around your home. We apply product to the harborage areas, eaves, and foundation to keep bugs from coming back and reclaiming their disturbed habitats. We give special attention to entry points, doors and windows, and add an extra barrier to discourage any bugs. Finally, we spread granular product on your yard to discourage new invaders. This pushes current pests further from your home and keeps new trespassers from entering your living area. Once your home has been treated and is bug-free, keeping pests out is much easier. Following the initial pest control service, we return within 30 days to start your quarterly service to maintain this clean, pest-free atmosphere.

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Home based?: no
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