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Logo - Seniors Places

Seniors Places

50 Culpeper St, Warrenton, 20186, Warrenton, Virginia, United States
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Business Category

United States:Health and Care:Mental Health ~ United States:Health and Care:Nursing

What we do at Seniors Places

Seniors Places was founded to provide a better way to connect senior communities with seniors searching for a new place to live. The process of finding a community is not user-friendly from the family’s perspective, and the current model does not work well for senior communities either. Communities must pay high fees to big marketing companies when prospective residents inadvertently click on the marketing company's website triggering a finder's fee to the marketing company. Seniors Places flips that model eliminating huge placement fees and commissions instead charging a reasonable fixed monthly subscription to the communities and free access to seniors. We attract seniors and their families who will find our site informative, easy to use, and user-friendly, eliminating jumping from page to page to compare options. The Seniors Places online platform offers over 400 independent living, memory care communities, and round the U.S. We have featured subscriber communities and listed communities. We continually improve the site to serve seniors and senior communities alike better. Communities benefit from online exposure and a more cost-effective way to find new residents. By signing up, Seniors are seamlessly connected to the community of interest for a discussion or set up a live or virtual tour.

Website and pages

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Personal Information for Seniors Places

Contact Person: Mr Bob

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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