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Logo - Healing with Qi

Healing with Qi

13997 E. Cheavront Loop, 85641, Vail, Arizona, United States
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Business Category

United States:Professional Services:Medical Consulting

What we do at Healing with Qi

Enhance your health using breathing, simple body movements, and meditation. Qigong moves your energy in a way that opens meridians and major energy centers, allowing your body to heal organically. Sometimes we just get in the way of our own health. This occurs when we think too much and overreact to situations we can’t control. This can create imbalances in our energy field forcing our bodies into a crisis mode, rather than a state of health. Qigong movements help to keep us in balance. Stan Pannone, 14th Generation Emei Qigong Master, has been practicing and teaching qigong for over 16 years. He offers Qigong classes online and in-person, and Sound Bath Meditations. His classes and trainings teach people how to balance their own energy which enhances their health. The best thing is most people feel the benefits of qigong very quickly. Stan provides still and moving Qigong. In the beginning, still meditation can be a little more challenging to learn. Meditation in motion allows you to move and breath through the gentle exercises. You can relax in a way that you wouldn’t have achieved on your own. We also practice “Qigong healing sounds” that stimulate every organ in our body and a “Universal Mantra” that has no meaning or religious affiliation. It is just a pure sound that creates harmony in your body. People love our Sound Baths Meditations, which provide the most Therapeutic Sounds available anywhere. Beginners Welcome! Stan Pannone, Healing with Qi EmeiQigongHarmony.com

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 1
Spoken Languages: n/a
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