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Logo - John W. Dalton Law Offices

John W. Dalton Law Offices

990 Highland Dr, #102, 92075, Solana Beach, California, United States
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United States:Government and Non-profit:Law Enforcement ~ United States:Professional Services:Legal Consulting

What we do at John W. Dalton Law Offices

The Law Office of John Dalton focuses exclusively on employment-related legal issues throughout the state of California. We believe in giving the unheard a voice to fight with. Through years of dedication and experience as an employment lawyer and former CIA officer, John Dalton has built a team equipped to handle a variety of employment issues. As employment attorneys, our focus will always remain on the individual, not a corporation or business. Too often, those in a position of power abuse their role. We want to be there for you when this happens. Whether you’re facing sexual harassment, discrimination, unpaid wages, wrongful termination, or another issue altogether, we’re ready to help. We’ll listen to your story and review your case for free. || Website: https://daltonemploymentlaw.com

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Home based?: no
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