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Logo - Ritrovo Italian Regional Foods LLC

Ritrovo Italian Regional Foods LLC

7930 Occidental Ave S, 98108, Seattle, Washington, United States
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United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Food Products

What we do at Ritrovo Italian Regional Foods LLC

RITROVO® represents the diversity of Italy’s regions, their food and culture. RITROVO® promotes consumption of healthy, locally-produced foods, grown and produced according to the seasons and with clean, organic, known-source ingredients. RITROVO’s® products tell a story. Through them our customers can delve into the sensory experience of food, as well as foodways, and their importance to culture and planet. RITROVO® cares for its customers and its producers as if they were family. That is the Italian way. RITROVO® emphasizes a return to the “table”: a place of slow pace, sharing, and exchange. This stems from the Italian way of life - share what you have and create a community. RITROVO’s® collaboration with Ricchiuti Farms, Morgan Handmade Provisions, and Fresh Flavors are emblematic of this. Our foods are our way of sharing what we have lived and learned in Italy. RITROVO® products emphasize that good food inspires a healthy lifestyle, strengthens social bonds, and allows us to slow down and live a higher quality life. | Website: https://ritrovo.com

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Personal Information for Ritrovo Italian Regional Foods LLC

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
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