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Logo - R3 Medical Training

R3 Medical Training

10045 E Dynamite Blvd Ste 260, 85262, Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
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Business Category

United States:Health and Care:Alternative Medicine ~ United States:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals ~ United States:Health and Care:Nannies, Babysitting, Child Care

What we do at R3 Medical Training

R3 Medical Training exists for one main reason. To help YOU obtain skills that will be immediately useful in clinical practice. What that means is concentrating on useful didactic presentations and hands on programs that are not only immersive for attendees, but also memorable. Courses: ✔ COMPREHENSIVE REGENERATIVE MEDICINE STEM CELL TRAINING COURSE WITH CME ACCREDITATION. ✔ REGENERATIVE AESTHETICS TRAINING COURSE WITH CME ACCREDITATION ✔ MUSCULOSKELETAL (MSK) ULTRASOUND INJECTION COURSES WITH CME ACCREDITATION - (BASIC AND ADVANCED) ✔ PDO THREAD LIFT CERTIFICATION COURSE

Headquarters, branches, local offices

Logo - R3 Stem Cell
R3 Stem Cell

Personal Information for R3 Medical Training

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Medical Training and Certification Course
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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