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Logo - BG Medical Botox

BG Medical Botox

225 W Valley Blvd #H288, 91776, San Gabriel, California, United States
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United States:Health and Care:Spa and Wellness

What we do at BG Medical Botox

BG Medical Aesthetics is the first premium medical aesthetics practice that integrates ancient eastern health physiotherapy into western professional medical care. Located on the second floor of the San Gabriel five-star Hilton Hotel, the facility boasts over 20,000 square feet. BG Medical is the largest medical spa in the San Gabriel Valley and one of the largest in Los Angeles. Whether visiting for business or pleasure, guests can lounge in luxury and comfort while enjoying cutting-edge technology for all beauty procedures and treatments. For your utmost indulgence and to provide the ultimate spa experience, BG offers a Romanesque atrium swimming pool, hot spring sauna, soothing jacuzzi, and a VIP room plus fitness center. BG has a wide variety of FDA-cleared cosmetic treatments, including top medical devices to help you achieve optimum results. Led by leading experts in the beauty industry, our experienced staff is here to help you with a plan to create the best version of yourself. BG specializes in Inmode Morpheus 8, Lumecca, Diolazexl, Forma, Hydrafacial Syndeo, BTL Emsculpt, Emsella, Exilis, detoxification and skin brightening, injectables, Coolsculpting, Spectra laser treatments, Viveve, IV Hydration drip, VI Peel, and PRP hair growth. Beautiful Glow offers only luxury skincare products with the highest efficacious formulations for your skincare needs including, SkinCeuticals, ZO Skin, Valmont, VI Derm, YON-KA, and OBAGI products. With a combination of integrity, superior service, professional attitude, and cutting-edge technology in aesthetic services, it’s no wonder BG Medical Aesthetics is a leader in the medical aesthetics industry.

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