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Logo - Conklin Chevrolet Salina

Conklin Chevrolet Salina

2700 S 9th St, 67401, Salina, Kansas, United States
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Business Category

United States:Transport and Storage:Auto

What we do at Conklin Chevrolet Salina

You're here, so you must be looking for a new car. We know that you've been shopping around, and we want to help! Our sales department is full of people who have been helping our customers find the perfect vehicle for years. So whether it's browsing our inventory online, requesting more information about vehicles, or setting up a test drive—we've got you covered! If you don't see what you're looking for on our website, don't worry! Conklin Chevrolet Salina has got a big database of vehicles and financing options that can get you into the car of your dreams. And if you'd rather talk to one of our friendly sales staff about your options? That's cool too. Just click Directions for interactive driving directions and other contact information so we can help make sure this process goes as smoothly as possible. We look forward to seeing you soon! So choose us if you are searching for a chevy car dealership near me!

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Personal Information for Conklin Chevrolet Salina

Contact Person: Mr Sam Conklin

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2009
Year started activity: 2009
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 200
Spoken Languages: English, French, British
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