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Logo - Luminex MDI

Luminex MDI

871 Marlborough Ave, 92507, Riverside, California, United States
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Business Category

United States:Professional Services:Internet Services

What we do at Luminex MDI

Your mainframe’s data is mission-critical and of extremely high value. Fortune 500 companies trust Luminex’s MDI solution to securely transfer their high-value data at unmatched speeds. The results are clear, MDI improves processes, reduces costs, and increases revenue. Luminex MDI is built on a modular, highly customizable architecture that enables limitless implementations for data integration and securely managed file transfer workflows. The world's largest companies increase revenue and reduce costs with MDI: the fastest, most secure data transfer for the mainframe. Solutions: – MDI BigData Transfer – MDI Cloud Data Sharing – MDI SecureTransfer – MDI SLP – MDI XPDS – MDI zKonnect Call us: (951)­ 781-4100 Address: 871 Marlborough Ave, Suite 100, Riverside, CA, 92507 Visit: https://luminexmdi.com/

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Personal Information for Luminex MDI

Contact Person: Mr Luminex MDI

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: Luminex MDI
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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